Working for a Democratic Food System

In our earth, in our bodies and on our plates, the direction of agri-culture is a crucible for determining our ability to survive and thrive on our planet. During the 4th week of October 2013, WILPF Des Moines Branch led the call, with many other organizations joining in, for our chemical-laden agri-industrial complex to stop the poisoning our food system and end the use GMOs.

Actions for October 8 and Beyond

The US Supreme Court is scheduled to hear Opening Arguments on Tuesday, Oct. 8th in the case of McCutcheon v the FEC. This case provides the next extension of the Citizens United case, allowing the pro-corporate Court the opportunity to rule in favor of Shaun McCutcheon, an Alabama billionaire who supports conservative candidates.

September 26: A Great Day for Nuclear Disarmament

On September 26 US President Obama did not attend the United Nations summit on nuclear weapons disarmament as so many in the peace community have been urging him to do. The USA did launch an (unarmed) Minuteman III nuclear missile on that very same day despite our efforts to halt the test . But all in all it was a wonderful week at the United Nations as we moved closer to the nuclear weapons abolition which we seek. 


Democracy Convention Recap

WILPF US co-convened the Earth Democracy Conference at the Democracy Convention, Madison, WI, Aug. 7-11. The major theme was that we need to urgently collaborate nationally and internationally to build a global movement for People, Peace and the Planet, based on the principle of Guardianship for Future Generations and on human, civil, labor and earth rights not corporate rights that will lead to green economic transformation.

Keep Space for Peace Week

In September, we are focusing on Keep Space for Peace Week preparations and supplying resources for branches and membership on drones and other action poosibilities October 5 to 12. Our 2013 campaign for abolition of nuclear weapons also continues.

WILPF Statement on Syria

The use of chemical weapons is a serious violation of international law, regardless of which party to the conflict perpetrated the attack. But the use of chemical weapons, however abhorrent and illegal, should not be used as a pretext for military intervention. Other options are available and must be pursued.

Peace Movers in Afghanistan

Every once in a while you find an extremely thoughtful analysis that does justice to the complexities of a very knotty problem. The attached piece, “Calling for Peace: Impressions from our Journey,” is such an analysis. It is about the current situation in Afghanistan witten with clarity, sensitivity and  recommendations for a clear path to ending the conflict there. It tells the story of a one week visit to Kabul by a group of seven people from Germany who have been working for peace in Afghanistan for 10 years.
