Actions for October 8 and Beyond

The US Supreme Court is scheduled to hear Opening Arguments on Tuesday, Oct. 8th in the case of McCutcheon v the FEC. This case provides the next extension of the Citizens United case, allowing the pro-corporate Court the opportunity to rule in favor of Shaun McCutcheon, an Alabama billionaire who supports conservative candidates. McCutcheon has claimed that the $123,000 limit on individual contributions to candidates is an infringement of his First Amendment rights.  If the Court agrees, it will threaten campaign finance law and the delicate balance of power that keeps our form of government working.  

The WILPF Corporations v Democracy Issue Committee is asking for WILPF members throughout the country to protest, write letters to the editor and do whatever they can to raise the media reporting and public awareness of this dangerous case and its threat to the promise of democracy. Take photos of yourselves carrying signs, station yourselves on the steps of your state Capitol or US Court House, and in general 'act up' to gain attention of the media and your neighbors. This decision portends the next and final phase of government for sale.  

Here are two articles with more information: 


If you google McCutcheon v FEC you will find even more information and talking points. 


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