
Thursday, July 4, 2013 - 10:21

Join WILPF at the Democracy Convention in Madison, Wisconsin, August 7-11 and meet up with members of the Corporations v Democracy, Earth Democracy and DISARM/End Wars Issue Committees and many WILPFers from near and far.

Thursday, July 4, 2013 - 09:32

None of us knew the other WILPF members were coming. Heidi recognized me with my END WAR t-shirt. Most of us attended the enthusiastic Women’s Assembly that opened the forum, and several of us took part in a women’s workshop sponsored by Global Grassroots Justice Alliance and the World March of Women.

Thursday, July 4, 2013 - 08:40

In December 2012, WILPF joined in the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots. We share the growing concerns about the development of fully autonomous weapons—weapons that will completely remove any human intervention in the decision-making. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013 - 05:44

North Carolina once was hailed as the Old South’s progressive stronghold… but no more! For the first time since 1898, extremist right-wing Republicans have won a super majority in the North Carolina Legislature, and a seat in the Governor's mansion, too. Since taking control of the State in January 2013, they’ve lost no time in unleashing an avalanche of regressive and repressive legislation that has left local WILPF members—and folks from throughout the State—reeling.

Monday, June 3, 2013 - 13:12

In our efforts to eliminate nuclear dangers we could well begin with ending the first link in the nuclear chain: mining of uranium. In the US, most of these mines are on Native American lands.

Monday, June 3, 2013 - 12:46

The 2011 National Democracy Convention in Madison, WI was a galvanizing convergence of pro-democracy advocates, environmentalists, economic justice advocates and peace activists. Many attendees called it a life-changing event and dedicated themselves to work towards a 28th Constitutional Amendment.

Monday, June 3, 2013 - 11:11

The April 27 announcement of this year's winners of the Jane Addams Children’s Book Awards and Peace & Justice program was held at Hull House in Chicago, the first settlement house in the United States co-founded by Addams. First awarded in 1953, the Awards honor exemplary children's literature that most effectively promote peace, social justice, world community, and gender and racial equality to young readers.

Monday, June 3, 2013 - 10:43

WILPF members joined in Marches Against Monsanto, which took place in 436 cities in 52 countries on May 25, 2013. WILPF Raging Grannies led a crowd of 500 protesters in original songs against genetically engineered foods in San Jose, CA. Pittsburgh WILPFer Edith Bell demonstrated under a huge banner "We Can Limit Corporate Power" and handed out Move To Amend leaflets.

Friday, May 10, 2013 - 10:56

Peace & Justice Center's racial justice coalition put together two "Making Whiteness Visible" workshops in early April led by Sha'an Mouliert. This coalition is working with Conversations on Race Now (CORN), Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) and individuals who have been working for racial justice in the area for many years.

Thursday, May 9, 2013 - 10:41

The CA Earth Democracy Team, Jean Hays, Randa Solick, Mathilde Rand, and Nancy Price, has continued giving Workshops since the highly successful inaugural workshop in Fresno reported in the last eNews.
