Howie Hawkins, a Green Party candidate who was the originator of the term “Green New Deal.”
By the ONE WILPF Call Team
The Green New Deal is very much in the news and is an appropriate initiative to move forward for Earth Day this year. On our next ONE WILPF call on Thursday, April 11, we’ll hear from the actual originator of the term Green New Deal, Howie Hawkins, a Green Party candidate from the state of New York. Hawkins will speak to us about the best ways to support this proposal without a partisan slant.
Also, WILPF President Darien DeLu will share details of her recent fact-finding trip to Venezuela. And we’ll hear how branch SOLIDARITY ACTIONS in March turned out.
Branches should plan to report on their World Water Day and Anti-NATO Actions in March and early April. Who did you ally with? What new components did you incorporate into your event? Did you use any of the pre-promotion tactics we talked about via layering in our March call? Did you wear your WILPF sashes?
Of course there will be announcements from WILPF US…. and a fascinating report back from our President, Darien De Lu, about what she observed in Caracas on the fact-finding trip she undertook with a coalition of peace organizations. You’ll find great resources to stay on top of the emerging news around DC’s plans for incursions into Venezuela and news from the people themselves.
Who Is Howie Hawkins?
Howie Hawkins was New York's Green Party candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2006. In 2010, Hawkins ran as the Green Party's candidate for Governor of New York and restored ballot status for the party by receiving more than the necessary 50,000 votes. In 2014, Hawkins campaigned again for Governor of New York, receiving nearly five percent of the vote and keeping the Green Party on the ballot for NY State for the next five years. Hawkins ran for Governor of New York in 2018, as well. He is a good example of the benefits of continuing to push for a third-party, state-level candidate as a way of creating broader democratic choices in the future.
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