Freedom to Vote


WILPF is stepping up to protect the Freedom to Vote and collaborate with the voter registration and Get Out the Vote efforts of the Poor People’s Campaign!

Refuse to be silenced

WILPF believes that the power of our voices shines through when we come together to uplift and protect democracy. Joining together in this multi-year WILPF Solidarity Action to protect the freedom to vote, we keep the herstory of our suffragist foremothers in mind!

Welcome to the Voting Rights Resources

The Voting Rights Resources (VRR) aids WILPF branches and members across the country in campaigns to help communities stay engaged in voting rights work. The VRR includes information and materials for social media campaigns, suggested actions to take, and additional information, including links to organizations and resources to assist with voting rights rallies, campaigns, and events. These resources supports the efforts of voter registration, increased voter turnout/participation, election-time awareness, and voter awareness.

Click on these links for specifics: 

The Solidarity Actions activities suggested in the VRR can be started now and continued through Election Day 2024.

WILPF also asks members and branches to build on your use of these resources: Please, seek liaisons with local like-minded organizations already engaged in voting rights work, in order to build a network of partners with whom we can share in solidarity. Organizations such as The Poor People’s Campaign and (in North Carolina) the New North Carolina Project are examples of organizations that are already engaged in voting rights work. Such groups will be an asset to your WILPF US actions. WILPF US encourages individual members and each branch to utilize the graphics and materials.

This project for the WILPF US Solidarity Action on voting has been undertaken by the Voting Rights ad hoc Committee – with particular contributions by Ashley Carrington – who had the initial idea for a toolkit, drafted text, and compiled the graphics and some other resources; Judy Adams – who researched and wrote major portions of the VRR;  and the Cape Cod Branch, for “I Miss Democracy”. The committee has proceeded with innovation and diligence, yet its work is also connected to the historical efforts of the suffragists and other voting rights activists who came before us.

This webpage will evolve over the next few years to include additional items to support our national WILPF Solidarity Actions around the Freedom to Vote. Watch for updates and additions to this page.