Take Action for Peace in Venezuela

Caracas, Venezuela

Aerial view of Francia Square (aka Altamira Square), in the Venezuelan capital city, Caracas. Paolo Costa / Shutterstock.com

By Darien De Lu
WILPF US President

The developing situation in Venezuela is extremely concerning.  Because Venezuela is an oil-rich country, the US government is preparing to use military force and otherwise intervening in a sovereign country’s internal affairs.  This is the same US policy as in Iraq. Yet, in Venezuela, the US is opposing the elected president. And though it is US sanctions that have brought on several years of Venezuelan economic, food, and medicine crises; these conditions are now being used to justify regime change on Trumped-up charges. Trump officials do not even deny their goal of taking control of Venezuela’s oil reserves.

WILPF US opposes such intervention! Take action for peace! Below are numerous suggestions and resources for activism, from nowaronvenezuela.org.

We can learn a painful lesson when we note that the current US intervention continues bipartisan federal policies and sanctions that have been in place through multiple administrations, including Obama’s.  (See the recap of recent US intervention in Venezuela in this article.)  

The US sanctions are devastating to the people.  (Such policies are also being used against Iran.). The trade sanctions, along with the withholding of money legitimately owed to Venezuela for oil sales in the US, have crippled the fragile economy of Venezuela.  

The Trump administration, backed by the corporate media, paints the elected government of Nicolás Maduro as tyrannical, ignoring the broad Venezuelan governmental support for food, health care, and education for the poor.  The mainstream media (including, NPR and PBS) give selective and biased coverage.  (See this informative article). They have showcased the US-backed posturing and incitement to violence around humanitarian aid, despite the U.N. position against politicizing such aid.

US policy toward Latin America has long been one of domination. Repeatedly, the US has backed the rule of dictators, as long as they support US strategic goals. Governments, elected or otherwise, which attempt to determine their own path are branded as dictatorial and are subject to all possible attempts to overturn them, from sanctions and proxy wars, to coup d’états and direct military intervention. Many of us remember the deadly US role in Central America and the key part played by convicted felon (now reappointed) Elliot Abrams!

Please join in to protect the self-determination of the Venezuelan people, and the safety from war of their country! Take action now and prepare for major demonstrations planned across the country on March 16 and March 30,  Here—condensed and revised from nowaronvenezuela.org, with thanks to them—are some ideas and resources for action:

  1. In the event of military intervention in Venezuela—HIT THE STREETS & SHUT IT DOWN! If the U.S. or its allies take military action against Venezuela, step up immediately and help take our resistance to the streets with grassroots acts of multiple kinds. No business as usual! Help become a global voice to demand NO WAR! Discuss and plan now for times and places to gather in case military action against Venezuela occurs. Make preparations in your city for emergency actions the day after any military action.
  2. Provide some alternative information and gather signatures on President Maduro’s Open Letter to the People of the United States. Ideally, work with other groups in your community to do so. Talk with people about the reality of the situation in Venezuela, using diverse information resources, including the fact sheets and other materials here.  Collecting signatures on the Open Letter serves as an act of solidarity and resistance. You can also sign and share the petition online.  
  3. Join the demonstrations locally and in Washington, DC, on March 16 — Hands Off Venezuela and on March 30 — Say No to NATO, War, and Racism.

Our efforts are critical!  Broaden international solidarity, promote diplomacy, and respect the sovereign self-determination of other countries! No to US Intervention!


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