WILPF US Board Excited by New Initiatives and Opportunities

Peace Delegation meets with residents at an urban gardening project in Venezuela. WILPF US President Darien De Lu traveled with the delegation and gave a report on the April 1 ONE WILPF Call. Photo: Darien De Lu.

By Eileen Kurkoski
WILPF US Secretary

As WILPF US Secretary, I offer WILPF US members these general interest highlights from the March 19th Board meeting. These highlights reflect some of the exciting ongoing WILPF US programs plus new initiatives, opportunities, and branches. You can be part of the committees and member-leaders pioneering new ground! Contact: president@wilpfus.org.

The WILPF US Board meets every second month. To see the official minutes of the meetings and how to participate in those board conference calls, go to the National Board  page on the WILPF US website.
Venezuela Peace Delegation

WILPF US President Darien De Lu, traveling with the delegation of peace movement leaders to Venezuela, found Caracas peaceful, despite the blackout. The lack of electricity made it difficult to get money from banks and water into high-rises, because pumps were not working. (Listen to the April 1 ONE WILPF call for Darien’s delegation report.)

Holistic Committee

At the start of her presidency, Darien appointed an ad hoc committee, the Holistic Program Structure Review Committee (now simply called the Holistic Committee). San Francisco Branch member, Regina Sneed, reported briefly on the work of the committee, which is reviewing many aspects of WILPF US program to see how WILPF work can be better organized and focused. The process is progressing well with the hope that strategic decisions will be made at a face-to-face board meeting in late May.

Women’s Peacemakers Initiative

WILPF’s fiscal sponsor, Peace Development Fund, invited and funded delegates from Women for Genuine Security, Women Cross DMZ and WILPF US for a one-day “Women’s Peacemakers Initiative” conference in San Francisco on March 22. The Board explored what support we have to offer to the other groups and what we may want from them. We overlap in many interests and goals. Delegation coordinator, board member Nancy Price, reported that the delegates were preparing to teleconference. (Watch for a future eNews report on this initiative.) 

WILPF US in NYC for Commission on the Status of Women

Board members Jan Corderman and Eileen Kurkoski provided reports on their week at the annual UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) and WILPF US Practicum and Local2Global programs. These two board members focused on the objectives of the two WILPF US programs and how best to accomplish those goals.           
While in NYC, Jan and Eileen also attended a soiree organized by Burlington, VT, Branch member Robin Lloyd at the home of author Blanche Wiesen Cook. (Wiesen Cook is well known for her three-volume biography of Eleanor Roosevelt.) WILPF International Secretary-General, Madeleine Rees, and several International WILPF UN Office staff spoke on WILPF issues and the WILPF US need to grow a WILPF branch in NYC.  

Leaders of a budding Westchester branch, outside of NYC, also attended and talked about their plans.

Inset Photo: A WILPF soiree was part of the CSW experience in New York City recently. Photo credit: Eileen Kurkoski.


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