Planning Together as One WILPF for Better National Visibility

By the ONE WILPF Call Team

The March ONE WILPF Call is now posted to the website. Check out the PowerPoint featured in the March call about how to better plan and promote your events and actions. Strategic planning can make you more successful! Consider having your leadership team view it together.

Find it here.

Every second Thursday of the month ALL WILPF members are invited to join a national conference call that is our one opportunity to connect branch-to-branch, member-to-member, and to learn about national and international WILPF news. You can find information, resources, and support on these calls!

The calls begin at 4 pm PST / 7 pm EST. Pre-registration is required, but all participants have told us that the technology for these Maestro platform calls is extremely user-friendly and easy to navigate.

Our call “engineer” Michael Ippolito is patient and attentive to make sure that everyone can get on to the call and get the most out of each call.

Plan with us

Tools and Resources Available

All of our past calls are archived on the website so you can easily listen to them and hear from excellent speakers on important subjects. Some of the calls feature PowerPoint presentations which are posted on that webpage as well. Some of the calls are open to the public and have a different registration link. All of the calls focus on informing our members, sharing information and strategic organizing to enhance our national visibility and impact through solidarity, acting as ONE WILPF. We’re stronger together….and standing together makes it easier for potential new members to find us too!

There are a good many tools and resources available on the website for your use to promote your branch and WILPF US. Find them here.

Visuals Work!

In late March, Laura Dewey (Detroit WILPF) commented on the branches listserv about a meeting she attended in Detroit. She said that simply by wearing a WILPF button she made many new contacts for her branch. This was a powerful reminder of how we can keep WILPF visible.

Along with the resources you can access easily, there are also new WILPF sashes available for $10 each. Order them by contacting Chris Wilbeck in our Des Moines office at or call her at 617-266-0999.  

Consider ordering extra sashes for your branch for anyone who shows up to stand with you at protests and demonstrations. Branch leaders can collect them afterwards, keep them safe and remember to bring them to events, meetings, actions, teach-ins, and demonstrations. These sashes fit over bulky outerwear for cold climates and are lightweight for warmer temperatures. They really help our members stand out in a crowd and amplify our visibility when we stand together.   

For more information, contact the ONE WILPF Call Team at


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