WILPF US takes action on justice, peace, and other issues through the initiatives and actions of our issue committees.

WILPF US is a member-driven organization. All members are welcomed and encouraged to join national issue committees. 

To form and maintain an issue committee, please click here.  Issue committees, along with all WILPF committees, follow the US WILPF Committee Guidelines, Best Practices & Information. To find out how to get involved in an issue committee, please contact the chair(s) of the committee.  That contact information is listed on each committee page.

Through our issue committees, the passions of our members are translated into activities and projects for our nationwide branches and members.  WILPF US  issue committees continuously seek to involve interested branches, their members, and at-large members-and to share ideas, projects, actions, and resources with them.  Issue committees work in alignment with our integrated and interconnected national priorities, consistent with the broad themes of US program work.

Members can also form new issue committees! 

To qualify as a recognized issue committee, a new committee must address the Issue Committee Benefits and Guidelines for Standards (established by the Program Committee on Oct. 1, 2019):

  1. Have a minimum of five members, with geographic diversity
  2. Have meetings at least quarterly
  3. Take, disseminate to committee members, and maintain (for at least a two-year period) meeting minutes
  4. Have the opportunity, at least every three years, for changes in leadership
  5. Maintain webpage content, updating as required (and at least every 18 months)
  6. Develop objectives and actions with at least some measurable, outcome-oriented goals
  7. Develop its own projects to achieve the issue committee goals
  8. Welcome any WILPF member who wishes to participate

 Please contact info@WILPFUS.org for more info on how to form a new issue committee.  If you encounter any difficulties in communicating and working with the issue committees, please contact Info@WILPFUS.org.