Unity Day

By Elenita Muniz

November 2021

The Cape Cod branch took part in the fifth annual Unity Day on the town Green in Hyannis, MA on August 6th.  Because this was also the anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing, we combined the two events.

Dressed in white, we hung our banners from a beautiful old tree, planted our many yard signs, and set up two tables. There visitors were invited to take our Penny Poll, sign a petition, and learn about Hiroshima and WILPF.  Visitors received an origami peace crane and teachers were all offered a free “Great Day” poster for their classrooms.

The Penny Poll features a dozen jars labeled with various Federal departments or social issues: Education, Healthcare, Food, Housing, Defense, Environment, State Department, etc.  Visitors are provided with ten pennies— their “taxes” — which they can distribute among the jars in any way they choose.  We have used the Penny Poll many times in various actions and events as a way to engage the public.  At this event, Education and Housing were the big winners for government spending.

Inset Photo: (L to R) Elenita Muñiz, Pat O’Brien, Donna Pihl. Missing: Jan Hively, Chris Morin.

The petition urged ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

Unity Day was begun by Andre and Jesse Barboza, brothers from a local Cape Verdean family, as a way to build relationships between the community and police. Each year, local police, fire, and first responders as well as town and County officials gather with the broader community for four hours of games, dancing, give-aways, free food and fun. Community organizations are invited to set up tables as well, and hundreds of families come together on the Green to mix and mingle.  

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