Submit Your Proposals for Congress Presentations by May 31!

By the Congress Program Committee

April 2021

You know by now about the WILPF US 34th Triennial Congress 2021 – a virtual community gathering for WOMEN, POWER, and SOCIAL JUSTICE: Building from Strength!

Our first virtual Congress will be held August 13-15 & 20-22 with in-between weekday evening meetings.

The Congress Program Committee (CONPRO) invites all branches, including Jane Addams members-at-large and Issue Committees, to submit an initial proposal for presentations (panels, interviews), “how to” workshops, and cultural events (Raging Grannies, art works, poetry and storytelling). Please fill out this Google form and submit before MAY 31, 2021.

To help you complete your proposals, here are proposal guidelines and a sample proposal.

IMPORTANT: If the presentation(s) are to be videotaped, we have an editor for them. After the video is shown, we would prefer to have the participants to be live on Zoom for a Q&A.

In order to include a larger variety of presentations, we have broken down the time segments to include: 2-hour roundtables; 1 hour 15 minutes; or 30-45 minute interviews – all of which will include Q&A time. In addition, we will build in time for conversations among ourselves, time to get to know other members, and to share our analyses.

The Congress Program Committee has already contacted branches to discern what their interests are and will be reviewing recent surveys of members to help make decisions about narrowing down the applications. The most important ingredient will be the relevancy and the urgency of the topics/issues that are most important to WILPF US, both nationally and internationally.

We look forward to having a more inclusive audience than ever before – no travel, no hotel, no baggage!

ALL are welcomed to our virtual journey.

The CONPRO includes the Fresno Branch hosts – Janet Slagter, Leni Villagomez Reeves, Beverly Fitzpatrick, Karina Renee Lopez – and Robin Lloyd (Vermont), Laura Dewey (Detroit), along with Mary Hanson Harrison (Congress Coordinator). 

If you have any questions for the CONPRO Team, contact

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