Saying Their Names is Not Enough: Honoring the Transgender Community

By Nikki Abeleda
Field Facilitator, Inside & Out Initiative

November 2021

November is an important month for making the Transgender community more visible. November 13th to 19th is Transgender Awareness Week followed by Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) on November 20th.

During Transgender Awareness Week, transgender people and their allies educate the public through actions, such as sharing stories and experiences, and advancing advocacy around the issues of prejudice, discrimination, and violence that affect the transgender community (GLAAD). TDOR is an annual memorial to honor our trans siblings who have lost their lives to anti-transgender violence.

All of us can participate in TDOR by attending or organizing a vigil on November 20 to honor all those whose lives were lost to anti-transgender violence. Vigils are typically hosted by local transgender advocates or LGBTQ organizations and held at community centers, parks, places of worship and other venues. The vigil often involves reading a list of the names of those who died during the year. 

How can you support the Transgender Community:

Please consider supporting panelist, Marie Angel Venarsian for Asylum Mutual Aid.

Stay tuned for a special presentation facilitated by Nikki Abeleda on LGBTQIA 101. All WILPF US members are welcome to attend. In this presentation, attendees will:

  • Increase knowledge of LGBTQIA issues & terminology
  • Gain cultural responsiveness skills regarding LGBTQIA community
  • Learn more resources for the LGBTQIA community

Date and time of this presentation is TBD. 

Questions about the LGBTQIA 101 session? Email Nikki at


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