Pittsburgh Branch Holds Fundraiser

By Edith Bell
Coordinator, Pittsburgh branch

The Pittsburgh branch had a successful and fun fundraiser. The Unitarian Universalist Church of the South Hills (Sunnyhill), one of the progressive UU churches in our area, invited our Raging Grannies to participate in their Sunday service on February 11, 2018. The Raging Grannies sang songs about peace and social justice, and the money from the church collection that day went to WILPF US.

We had a WILPF information table in the lobby. There was much interest, and we collected many signatures on the ban the nukes petitions. One of our members, Susan Smith, gave a brief talk about WILPF local and national, which included sharing the news about the ICAN Nobel Peace Prize.

The result was a generous, dedicated offering to WILPF! We are grateful to be one of the recipients of this church’s outreach and support.

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