Not in a Local Branch? Join the Virtual Jane Addams Branch

Jane Addams (second from left, behind the letter P), with other American peace delegates, on the deck of a ship heading to the International Congress of Women held at The Hague in 1915. George Grantham Bain Collection / Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

September 2020

If any WILPF member would like to join the Jane Addams (JA) branch they should contact Dianne Blais at Dianne is the new convener of the JA branch.

The JA branch, named after WILPF’s illustrious founder, is a way that at-large members – anyone who is not a member of a local branch – can experience the benefits of being part of a WILPF branch. JA members work together virtually on projects and actions.

The JA branch will be having a “Movie Night” to watch We Are Many on Monday, September 21 at 8 pm EDT / 5 pm PDT. (Details will be in an upcoming eAlert.) Then, on Thursday, September 24 at 8 EDT / 5 pm PDT, we’ll meet on a Zoom call to cover a range of topics including event planning.  Also, for all of us who wish to consider the value of the resistance to George W’s Iraq war, to discuss the We Are Many film.

We hope to utilize the package assembled by the Women, Money & Democracy Committee and hold another film viewing of The Laundromat on a future date this fall.

Because the JA branch has members throughout the US, out of necessity it has to meet via Zoom and communicate electronically. This means you generally won’t have to leave your house to be involved. Now, during this wretched pandemic is a good time to join us!

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