New Clarity on Our Program Work & the Issue Committees That Shape It

By Darien De Lu
WILPF US President

How can WILPF activism keep up with the changing nature of politics in the US? Throughout our over one hundred years of operations, the way WILPF US works on issues has altered repeatedly! At the 2008 national WILPF Congress, members chose to move away from the program structure based on three national campaigns. Although many branches worked on the specific national campaigns, at the same time they worked on local and other issues. In response to this reality, WILPFers changed the structure of program, opening up our national work to address a greater variety of issues. Individual issue committees were created, and branches and members were encouraged to participate in one or more of them.

Our issue committees have become an increasingly important part of our program work, since WILPF relies on them to create national action projects on issues. In early October, for the first time in years, the national Program Committee established changes in the expectations of issue committees. The nine revised issue committee guidelines are simple and basic, starting with having a minimum of five members, with geographic diversity, and meeting at least quarterly. The Issue Committee Benefits and Guidelines for Standards makes it clear what members must do in order to maintain and/or start an issue committee.

National WILPF has been challenged to coordinate the work of issue committees, in order to shape a cohesive and integrated national program on issues. An ad hoc Holistic Program Restructuring Committee – or just Holistic Committee – has been meeting since March to review current “program” functioning. This committee brings together leaders experienced at various levels – from the branch level to committees to the national board. This committee has reviewed a variety of materials from Congresses, board retreats, and program meetings in order to propose some improvements to the board, the Program Committee, and WILPF’s membership.

The proposed new plan for more strategic program work is called Program 2.0. Under 2.0, the Program Committee Chairs would work with the issue committees to identify unifying and strategic priorities for our program work. Members and branches would have a voice in setting program priorities and goals via input to the national board through the issue committees, which are part of a pathway to leadership in WILPF US – especially for at-large members. Both new and seasoned activists who want to pursue solutions and focus on action have a place in our program work. How about you?

WILPFers will have an opportunity for input in Program 2.0! You can read the 2.0 summary. And watch for an upcoming survey asking about your views, comments, and questions regarding the new proposal.

Questions?  Please contact me at


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