Maine Flowers on International Women’s Day

Martha Spiess

Photo: WILPF Member Martha Spiess, photographer and filmmaker extraordinaire

Due to the snowstorm, Maine WILPF members celebrated International Women’s Day on Friday, March 9, by handing out flowers at the noon hour in Brunswick. Smiles surrounded us as we handed the flowers out—and, surprise, surprise!—many people knew about International Women’s Day. We’re finally catching up to the rest of the world.

Jean Sanborn, who furnished the tags for the flowers (thank you, Jean!), wrote the history of International Women’s Day on one side while the other side showed the following words excerpted by the Syracuse Cultural Workers from the poem “Spider Song” in Sing a Battle Song: Poems by Women in the Weather Underground,1975, author unknown.

We will meet
all of us
women of every land

We will meet
in the center
make a circle

We will weave
a world wide web
to entangle
the powers
that bury
our children


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