Join the Upcoming Program Call on April 7

Program Committee Cake

Photo by Michael Ippolito

By Joan Goddard
WILPF US Program Chair

April 2020

The Program Committee Call on Tuesday, April 7 at 5 pm PT, 8 pm ET will feature plans from the WILPF US issue committees for the next two years. Potential local collaborations with branches and at-large members for activities in committee subject areas will be encouraged. All are invited to join this conversation.

The current health crisis is a challenging time. Together, we can continue to share WILPF’s work with people and organizations locally and beyond.

A recent survey of branches along with information gathered during our individual membership renewal showed WILPFers wanting more collaboration and expressing interest in the subject areas covered by our national issue committees.  

(Learn more about the national issue committees here.)

Issue committees are planning far in advance in accordance with Program 2.0, hoping to foster involvement with local members and synergize with other organizations whose concerns overlap with our own. One of our goals is to create actions that are visible and impactful during and after this election year.

The national issue committees are offering information, ideas, and materials to be adapted for local needs, while also encouraging content developed by local, regional, or national programmers. Branch members and at-large members are invited to share content collaborations with each other and with other organizations.

All members are invited to the call and are welcome to join and/or collaborate with the national issue committees.

Register for the April 7 call here.

Maestro call reminders (the day before and two hours before the call) are sent with the appropriate call times, based upon where you are located.

Any questions? Please write to the WILPF US Program Chair, Joan Goddard:


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