Join Two ‘Zoom of Our Own’ Conversations on Economic Justice: October 13 & 27

By Marybeth Gardam
Chair, Women, Money & Democracy Committee

October 2020

What’s new at WILPF’s partner An Economy of Our Own (AEOO) and their Screwnomics project? Two intriguing “Zoom of Our Own” Conversations just for you, co-sponsored by WILPF’s Women, Money & Democracy Committee.

Register for these FREE virtual Zoom Webinars and meet real women making a difference on the front lines of economic justice. They are creating real solutions to a rigged economy and modeling how to use their ideas for system change.   

Tuesday, Oct 13 - 8pm EST / 5 pm PST
SHARED ECONOMIES: The Future is Collaborative

What if your community owned your own bank and your own cooperative corporation?

How can the collective approach of cooperative business models and banking in the public interest work together in concert? Why would these make a difference for women? Participants include two AEOO advisory board members, Jamila Medley of the Philadelphia Area Cooperative and Jhumpa Bhattacharya of The Insight Center for Community Development in Oakland, CA. Susan Harman, a public banking activist and long-time WILPF ally in Oakland, will also join us.

Tuesday, Oct 27 – 8pm EST / 5 pm PST
THE INIVISIBLE WOMAN: Exploitation Beyond the Pay Gap

Macroeconomy’s erasure of caring work at home and in our communities via the GDP—and women’s adventurous ways to fix this.

Riane Eisler, revered author of The Chalice & The Blade and The Real Wealth of Nations, will reveal the links between macroeconomic GDP measures and microeconomic invisibility of care work, women’s discounted paychecks for care work, and what the COVID-19 pandemic has helped us see more clearly: all our work at home we’re expected to do for free. She says “our society values what we count, and we don’t count women’s unpaid labor.”  

Khara Jabola-Carolus of Hawaii’s Commission on Women will join us. She put together a report on government stationary called Building Bridges, Not Walking on Backs: A Feminist Economic Recovery Plan for COVID-19) and she is also an artist.

Patti Maciecz has created an invoice she calls Bill the Patriarchy, part of her Invisible Labor Union. 

WILPF’s own Martha Collins will bring the perspective of single moms who are doing it all, and often facing poverty, through her work for the Milwaukee Area Food Bank.

Find registration information for both events here.




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