Humboldt WILPF Attends the Poor People’s Campaign Rally in DC

by Martha Hart
Humboldt WILPF

July 2022

For anyone who didn’t attend the Poor People’s Campaign rally in Washington, D.C. on June 18th, 2022, it was a fantastic experience! There was a myriad of speakers: both anecdotal and inspirational. Speakers told stories of poverty, homelessness or near homelessness while the screen behind displayed the poverty statistics for the state or region that they were from. Inspirational speakers included Dr. Martin Luther King’s daughter, Dr. Bernice King; Dr. Cornell West; Rev. William Barber, of course; and former Vice President Al Gore who participated by video. Each had their own dynamic style, and it was easy to get caught up in the excitement. 

Estimates for the size of the crowd ranged from 4,000 people to as high as 10,000 people. The crowd was orderly and responsive to the speakers. The capital police were visible, but not intrusive. The only policing I heard or saw was a simple request for people to clear the fire lanes. People seemed to be enjoying each other, and crowd monitors kept foot traffic paths clear. I was handed a bottled water by one of the crowd monitors, which I took thankfully. There were many signs and posters.

On Sunday, there was a WILPF US board meeting and a luncheon at a WILPFer’s gracious home in Fairfax, Virginia, which included a song of blessing by Darien de Lu. Very fitting. The meal included all forms of salad and a Pakistani bean dish that I would love to get the recipe for. The meeting was very impressive—it was great to see how our board works. They welcomed visitors. 

One of the things that impressed me was that so many people were willing to travel in the interest of those in economic poverty, and against the widening wage gap in the U.S.

On July 5th, 2022, there was a zoom meeting for WILPF members and others interested in the Poor People’s Campaign rally. One of the subjects discussed were the 7 steps we can take before the midterms

The one that stands out to me is to get people voting. In Humboldt, we are looking at how we can support the homeless members of our community become registered to vote. Helping people register to vote and get to the polls lets them know their voice counts and helps us as people to not be victimized by an unjust system. 

If you couldn’t make it to the rally, please watch the video here.

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