Announcements & Updates: 2023 “Gathering” Approved; Join WILPF SMART; Jane Addams Branch Is WILPF’s Virtual Branch


January 2023

Virtual “Gathering” Approved for Summer 2023

by Dianne Blais    
WILPF US Gathering Chair

The WILPF US Board recently approved a virtual “Gathering” for 2023. To avoid possible confusion, we don’t use the word “Congress” since the Bylaws have special provisions pertaining to WILPF Congresses.

The Gathering could be a time for workshops, but preferably these can be put off until 2024 when an in-person or hybrid Congress is being planned.

I anticipate this virtual Gathering to be two evenings this summer. One evening will be a time when each board, staff and issue committee chair speaks and can then be asked questions. The other evening can be when one representative from each branch can speak and then there will be a short Q&A.

This Gathering is a way to keep in touch with members and let you know what is happening in WILPF US. It will take place in years when there is neither an International nor a national Congress. Send me your ideas and stay tuned for more info:

Please Join and Use WILPF SMART (our Social Media Action Response Team, on Facebook)!

Please encourage all WILPF members who use Facebook to join WILPF SMART at this link. This is our community blog set up to help us all inform and inspire each other, all over the country!

This organizing tool has been set up for WILPF members to share videos, photos, articles, resources & more with each other, and with the public. Originally designed so that only WILPF members could post, it was later decided that people whose Facebook pages reveal that they share the same values and concerns as WILPF may join and post to WILPF SMART, without having to join WILPF, although of course we would be delighted if you do! It's easy to become a member of WILPF US. Find out how here!

Whether you're a member of a branch or at-large, please make announcements here, and share photos and descriptions of your accomplishments! Issue Committee leaders and members, let us know what your plans and priorities and meeting dates are! Use WILPF SMART to organize, educate, and SPREAD THE WORD!

Jane Addams Virtual Branch Members Are Not At-large Members

by Dianne Blais
Convener, Jane Addams Virtual Branch

The Jane Addams (JA) Virtual Branch is a branch whose members may live anywhere, yet they can get all the news from the branches listserv that other branch members get. We also have a monthly meeting where we’ve had guest speakers and where questions can be asked and discussed. We are WILPF US's VIRTUAL BRANCH!

At-large members are WILPF US members who are not associated with a branch and who don’t desire to get the news from the branches listserv. (To me, the information sent via the branches listserv is vital to the understanding and involvement in WILPF US.)

Any Jane Addams Virtual Branch member can switch to being an at-large member at any time by unsubscribing to my JA branch emails.

I invite more at-large members to become JA members. Please feel free to contact me with questions or comments: Dianne Blais,, 703-830-1998 (cell: 703-300-7937).


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