New Partners: WILPF, the Young Feminist Leadership Conference, and Ms. Magazine

WILPF US shared an ad in the Young Feminist Leadership Conference Program Book, the next step in a fruitful collaboration that has led to a series of articles in Ms. Magazine called “Women Unscrewing Screwnomics.” This series could help raise WILPF’s profile and impact us in other positive ways.

By Marybeth Gardam
Chair, Corporations v Democracy Issue Committee
Women, emerging feminist leaders, an economy that finally works for women, and WILPF…. it’s all coming together.

The collaboration between the WILPF US Corporations v Democracy Issue Committee and Screwnomics author Rickey Gard Diamond brought us an invitation to partner with the Young Feminist Leadership Conference, held March 9-11, 2019 in the Washington, DC area, co-sponsored by Ms. Magazine.  

Rickey never fails to mention and promote WILPF at all her book tour stops. And she has been including us in strategic connections she’s making with the New Economy Coalition, a dynamic collection of folks dedicated to advocating for an economic system that works for all of us.

“By focusing on voices not typically part of mainstream man-to-man economic discourse, the articles will mainstream news of hopeful and practical changes already underway, celebrating an economy waged as life, not as war.”
        —Rickey Gard Diamond, Screwnomics author and WILPF US partner

Recently Rickey successfully pitched an idea for a series of articles in Ms. Magazine called “Women Unscrewing Screwnomics,” about the sheroes who are working nationally and internationally to create a fairer economy for women and families. Each article includes WILPF in the byline, as Rickey continues to keep us front and center in her presentations around the country.

**We’ll keep members updated by featuring the articles from Ms. on our website.**

How Can You Take Advantage of the National Publicity?

Plan NOW to start a “Women Unscewing Screwnomics” group in your community  with WILPF leading the discussion to focus on local solutions.

“Women Unscewing Screwnomics” is being piloted in WILPF’s St. Louis Branch. Branch leader Lynn Sableman says they are using it as a way to connect with new allies and collaborators in their community, as well as to engage a new segment of women who are learning how economics and peace are connected. They’re planning for a bookstore visit to the area by Rickey, and using it to promote continued discussion groups.
If you or your branch want more information about how to launch and promote a Screwnomics  group in your area, contact us at  

WILPF women understand the deep connection between economic injustice and the funding and promotion of more conflict and war. Screwnomics helps ordinary women not yet aware of that connection to see how the pressure they are feeling on Main Street has everything to do with the decisions made on Wall Street, and the men who call the shots.

Let’s take advantage of the national publicity we’re getting through this series of articles tying peace and economic justice to WILPF.   



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