CSW Presentations--Might we expand the formats?

I am right now in a CSW session entitled "From Girl Child to Mature Woman: A Life-Course Approach to Gender Empowerment and a Violence-free Life."  It was coordinated by Soroptimist International and includes women from Pakistan, Tunisia, Moldova and New Zealand, among other countries, representing SI, Girl Guides/Scouts and World YWCA.  The content is very much like that at other sessions of CSW  57: intense narratives of how women are suffering with violence in various settings, and summaries of policies and implementation.  The speeches are both moving and factual and the Q & A is well-organized and useful. One pleasant aspect of this session was the opportunity for "the audience" to post a post-it note on large sheets of paper with representations that depict women at various life stages: from infancy to senior status. We were to list an issue that we think affects women at that life stage. I really appreciated the chance to offer something, to be involved other than as a listener only.  
On Wednesday night, at the CSW-NGO reception, two of our WILPF Practicum attendees and I were discussing how we enjoy presentations that are experiential and participatory.  In the global women's movement, we must continue to engage younger women.  We might look more at new media, music, theater--the list is endless.  As one example, we saw a powerful kick-off with the "Girl Be Heard" performance on Sunday morning. I found it invigorating.
Formal speeches are absolutely necessary--they can be effective and mind-expanding.  I'd just like us to mix it up more.  Thank you & all best wishes!

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