Voting Rights Resources

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Organizations for Postcard/Letter Writing and Phoning/Texting for Get Out The Vote Campaigns

Freedom to Vote

WILPF US is a 501(c)(4) organization.  As such, WILPF does not recommend participation in partisan political campaigns. If a service providing postcards/letters is partisan – that is, focuses on recipients, goals, or candidates of a specific political party – branches and individuals working as identified WILPF members should not use those services. Such use conflicts with WILPF’s tax status. As individuals, of course, one can use partisan sources, but in this document, we list only nonpartisan groups for your get-out-the vote (GOTV) branch actions

Consequently, WILPF members Sandy Thacker and Judy Adams recommend these nonpartisan organizations for your postcard/letter writing and phoning/texting projects:

Election Protection
An election information project of Common Cause:

In addition to GOTV services, they have great resources for voters on their website. Voters can check their registration status before elections, register if eligible, request an absentee ballot, find their polling place and access other useful, non-partisan information – even get an election day reminder to vote.

Common Cause is a 501(c)(4) non-partisan nonprofit funded by a combination of individual donor contributions and foundation grants.

Vote Forward

They are a well-organized, user-friendly project that provides letter-writing opportunities to contact voters in underrepresented communities to encourage them to register and to vote.

Vote Forward is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization working to increase civic participation by making it as easy as possible for grassroots volunteers to encourage their fellow citizens to vote.

Voto Latino

One can volunteer with them to text bank to get out the vote.  Like Common Cause, they offer voting information, focusing on Latinx voters. They give info on absentee ballots, early voting and polling locations, and on how to check eligibility to vote, register, check on what’s on the ballot, gain understanding on issues, and get election reminders. The site also gives young voters (under 18) an opportunity to "pledge to register".  In Spanish and English.

Voto Latino is a 501-(c)-(4) nonprofit organization focused on encouraging the young Hispanic/Latinx community to register to vote and become more politically involved.

The Center for Common Ground

They offer opportunities for writing postcards and phoning (you can use your computer). You use their script, but you can mention that you are a member of WILPF (just for name recognition, no conversation about WILPF itself).  NO use of the person’s contact information other than to make the scripted call: no call-backs to talk about WILPF.

The Center for Common Ground is a nonpartisan voting rights organization led by, and focusing on, people of color. In the 2022 elections they are focusing on Black voters where voter suppression has occurred.