The DISARM Committee invites all WILPFers to get out on their favorite demonstration corner or outside their most despised weapons manufacturer sometime between the 20th and 22nd of January 2023 to celebrate the second anniversary of the Entry Into Force (EIF) of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). Also find links to resources and a new request regarding the war in Ukraine.
Triangle WILPF is supporting the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons [TPNW] one local council at a time. Carrboro City is the latest NC locality to pass a resolution.
COP27 was a failure in powerful ways, though it did allow for some wins, such as the move to finally begin to address much needed Loss and Damages. Delegate Cindy Piester was able to get the WILPF US popular handout into US Envoy John Kerry’s hands.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used in weaponry, including nuclear weapons. Learn about the risks and dangers, and join WILPF’s Anti-Killer Drones Group!
The United States is distinguished by its horrendous level of gun violence. We must do as other countries have done and change our policies, including repealing liability protection for gun manufacturers.
WILPF Fresno has recently completed a video about Covid-19 and farmworkers and hopes WILPF members will share it with their local Spanish-speaking community organizations.
Boston WILPF has been holding a Saturday morning letter writing group since September 2020. Members have written about 75 letters over the past 28 months on disarmament, domestic and gun violence, war developments, women’s rights, legislative disputes and grassroots initiatives.
Concerned Maine WILPFers are standing on street corners, over bridges, and along the roadside with their new banners to advocate for more political space and resources for diplomacy.
Announcements & Updates: The latest WILPF US election news about the candidates and a virtual event on Nov. 10 to meet them; you can still get involved in Freedom to Vote actions; first Zoom meeting for Kentucky/Indiana branch Dec. 4; a “Day of Dialogue” will be held for members in response to the Sept. 11 Board Memo; view a presentation on the new DPOW committee’s work.