Post date: Sun, 02/04/2018 - 14:52

March 10, 2018, at Fresno City College

WILPF Fresno, in collaboration with other environmental groups in the San Joaquin Valley, will host its third water forum: “H2O III: Distilling Sustainable Solutions,” to be held on Saturday, March 10, 2018, at Fresno City College.

The day-long forum will address sustainability, fish issues, effects of oil production on clean water, tribal water issues, the public trust doctrine, water equity and democracy in the San Joaquin Valley, and the question of building a second dam on the San Joaquin River.

The event will begin with a tribal blessing, followed by a morning plenary and afternoon break-out sessions.



Post date: Thu, 02/01/2018 - 18:48

Des Moines Branch
Des Moines Branch

Speaking with One Voice

When we stand and act together on the same day, we amplify OUR voice.
With coordinated resources, handouts and signage, we magnify OUR message.
Speaking in ONE voice goes farther, is louder, and OUR strength becomes undeniable.

The following Solidarity events are the united actions that WILPF US Members are working on across the country throughout 2018.

Contact to coordinate the actions of your branch or for At-Large Members, to organize or join these actions in your part of the country.  

January 20: Women's Marches
San Jose Branch
During the Second Annual Women’s March, 17 branches and many At-Large members acted together across the nation.    

See our Photo Gallery
Share our Materials


April 22: Earth Day: Peace & Planet Before Profits

Our branches and members will be marching for Mother Earth in support the role of SCIENCE to heed the Precautionary Principle 

Watch here for Plans, Resources, Materials and Photos.


May 13–June 21: May Days of Action: The Poor People's Campaign

Rev. William Barber leads the Poor People’s Campaign, founded by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The four pillars of the PPC: Poverty, Systemic Racism, Ecological Devastation and the War Economy.

During the Days of Action in May, the PPC is calling for a National Moral Revival fueled by civil disobedience and peaceful mass protests.

Branches and members are invited to plan strategically across the country as WILPF US to answer the call of the Poor Peoples Campaign.

Find out more at

Watch here for Plans, Resources, Materials and Photos.


August 6: Hiroshima Remembrance Day

With the Doomsday Clock at 2 minutes to midnight, the planet is poised for possible nuclear war as two unstable national leaders face off and play chicken with the nuclear button.

Our members know that nuclear power is no game. 

From toxic uranium mining on sacred native lands to dangerous transporting of nuclear materials across our nation’s highways, unsustainable and irresponsible storage of toxic radioactive waste, and the profits from nuclear energy that feed  nuclear weapons profiteers and lobbyists, it’s time to #EndtheWholeNuclearEra.   

We can do better!

WILPF US is holding candlelight vigils, lantern ceremonies, prayer vigils and otherwise marking the horrific and tragic Anniversary of the first nuclear attack, when the US dropped nuclear bombs on the civilian populations of urban Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan. 

These events are planned to educate the public and organize them to encourage the US to join 120 other nations who have signed a UN Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty. 

Here’s the link to our #EndtheWholeNuclearEra Petition Campaign

Watch here for Plans, Resources, Materials and Photos to plan your own Event.     




Post date: Thu, 02/01/2018 - 13:15
San Jose and Palo Alto Branch

San Jose and Palo Alto Branch

Seventeen WILPF US Branches and many of our At Large Members participated in Women's Marches expressing hope and determination for a world where women have equal rights and an equal voice.

Branches participating included:

Santa Cruz CA, Monterey CA, Peninsula/Palo Alto CA, San Jose CA, Humboldt CA, San Francisco CA, and East Bay CA, Boston MA, Des Moines IA, Burlington VT,  Essex Co. NJ, Philadelphia PA, Pittsburgh PA, Maine, Triangle NC, Ann Arbor MI, Tucson AZ, and Phoenix AZ.

At Large WILPFers reported participating in Port Townsend WA, Ashville NC, Fairbanks AK and Johnson City TN.   

Click here for photo gallery.

When we stand together we win!


Post date: Mon, 01/29/2018 - 07:35

To access the WILPF online donation forms after February 1, 2018 you will need to use a browser that supports the newest web security protocols. These browsers include the following:

  • Google Chrome 30 or higher
  • Mozilla Firefox 27 or higher
  • Internet Explorer 11 or higher
  • Safari 7 or higher
  • Microsoft Edge 13 or higher

If your browser has been updated within the last three years, you are most likely using one of the above versions, and no further action is required on your part.

If you’re not sure which browser you’re using, find out at This will tell you the exact version of your browser. If the version of your browser is equal to or greater than the version listed above, no further action is required.

If the version of your browser is lower than the required version, you will need to upgrade your browser to the latest version.



Post date: Sun, 01/28/2018 - 12:32

No to US Intervention!

WILPF US and the WILPF US Cuba and Bolivarian Alliance Issues Committee calls on our members and supporters to contact your Congressional representatives and to organize support for actions happening nationwide to oppose the Trump administration's attempts to overthrow the democratically elected government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

President Maduro was elected last May, 2018 in the Venezuelan national elections, as called for by the Venezuelan constitution, by 67.84% of the vote with a total of 6,248,864 Venezuelans voting for Maduro. Since the 1999 election of the late President Hugo Chavez and the rise of the Chavismo movement, the US has directly intervened in Venezuelan affairs, violating international law and violating Venezuela's national sovereignty. One and a half years ago, Trump¹s plan for regime change was set into motion when the administration met with Venezuelan opposition members. On January 23, those plans were implemented when Juan Guaidó, head of the Venezuelan National Assembly, declared himself President of Venezuela at a rally, followed by an announcement of Trump's support for Guaidó as well as US Democratic Party leaders such as Speaker of the House Leader Nancy Pelosi. Immediately, other Presidents of Latin American countries followed suit which shows a well orchestrated effort to implement a coup to overthrow Maduro.

The countries of Bolivia, Uruguay, Mexico, China and Russia have declared their support for the democratically elected president of Venezuela. Also, the Venezuelan military has stood steadfast to protect Venezuelan democracy and announced their solid support for Maduro.

WILPF US calls on all to support the democratically elected president of Venezuela during these difficult times.

We urge a close look at the serious effects of the US role in the economic and political destabilization of Venezuela -- affecting not only the Venezuelan people but also regional respect for democratic processes. A coup in Venezuela will only serve to throw the country into further crisis.


For further information, please go to:


Post date: Thu, 01/04/2018 - 13:27

Photo credit:

United Nations Nuclear Ban Treaty Adopted

Just in case you hadn’t heard, amazingly, the United Nations adopted the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – that’s right, it’s a treaty to ban nuclear weapons!  Read the treaty here.

As of December 10, 56 nations have signed the treaty and three have ratified it.  We have also learned that Mexico has ratified the treaty by its internal governmental processes.  We are looking forward to watching it come forward in New York, for its official ratification at the United Nations.

Unfortunately, the US and other nuclear weapons states are adamantly opposed to the treaty.  In fact, our sitting US President’s loose talk about releasing “sound and fury” on North Korea seems to have started to legitimize the threat of using nuclear weapons.

Because of this, our work in WILPF has taken on added urgency in the last few months.  With your help, and in collaboration with other kindred organizations, we will build a formidable wall of opposition to the use of nuclear weapons and grow continued support for their abolishment.  Read more, below, on the WILPF US Petition to the United States President and Senate urging the US ratification of this UN nuclear ban treaty.

ICAN Wins the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) won the Nobel Peace Prize!  Since WILPF is a member of ICAN, that means WILPF is part of the consortium that won the Nobel Peace Prize! Much of the work with the UN Member States to accomplish this treaty came about through dedicated efforts from the offices of Ray Acheson and WILPF’s UN-based Reaching Critical Will.

Were you able to watch the Nobel Peace Prize Awards ceremonies on December 10?  The speakers were brilliant, and it was wonderful to see so many happy and familiar faces!  You can watch the broadcast of the award ceremony here.

Update on Our END THE WHOLE NUCLEAR ERA Campaign

Our 2017 Triennial Congress in Chicago approved a Resolution supporting the US Section’s End the Whole Nuclear Era Campaign (EWNE) – to end use of nuclear weapons and nuclear power.  We have been working on these issues for several years, but in earnest this year under the EWNE campaign umbrella.  When we met in Chicago in July, the United Nations had just approved its Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.  The WILPF US Congress then developed and approved a Petition to the United States President and Senate urging US ratification of this treaty.

DISARM-End Wars committee co-chair Robin Lloyd (Burlington, Vermont branch), always creative, invites WILPFers to help build a (symbolic) bonfire to abolish nuclear weapons in 2018!

Actions to take to the House and Senate on Nuclear Issues:

US Senate

Online Petition – WILPF members having fun online supporting it

We owe thanks to avid WILPF supporter and consultant, Michael Ippolito, for training WILPF members on using social media to promote the online ban treaty petition to the Senate and POTUS found here.   As of December 29, the online petition had 2,068 signatures.  

We will continue our Wednesday evening Twitterstorms and Facebook trainings and urge you to join us!  If we have LOTS of people sending the same message - at the same time - to famous folks, asking them to re-tweet the message to their thousands or millions of followers, the message could go viral.  And, instead of two thousand signatures, we could have two million (that’s the gist).  It’s worth a try!  

To join us on Wednesdays (4:00 pm Pacific / 7:00 pm Eastern Time), register here prior to the first call you wish to join.  The registration screen is self-explanatory.  But, if for some reason you have difficulty, please feel free to email Michael at for assistance.  

To join the Twitterstorms, you will need to sign up for or have a Twitter account.  YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW HOW TO USE TWITTER.  You only need to have a valid twitter account that you can sign into.

Paper Petition – WILPF members having fun in our communities supporting it

Many thanks to our members around the country who have gathered and mailed in more than 2000 signatures on the paper petition to the President and Senate.   Go here to get a copy of the paper petition and then start gathering more signatures!

To the left is the state-by-state tally, as of December 31, 2017, of paper petition signatures turned in to Ellen Thomas.  Thanks to all who have been collecting signatures.  You’re an inspiration!



US House of Representatives

Eleanor Holmes Norton (Dem. D.C.) has re-introduced her legislation, “Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic and Energy Conversion Act,” (H.R. 3853 in this Session).  The bill needs enough co-sponsors to get out of the Foreign Affairs and Armed Services Committees and to the floor of the House for a vote.  So far, there are two co-sponsors on record:  As promised, Jan Schakowsky of Chicago, and a surprise, Jim McGovern, of Worcester, Massachusetts.  Lacy Clay and John Lewis’s staffs say the Representatives plan to co-sponsor again this Session, but their support hasn’t shown up yet at http://congress.govPlease call, visit and write your Representative to ask for co-sponsorship.

Please also sign the online letter to your Representative here at and share the link with your friends and connections (  Go here for the paper petition, first seen on the 2017 NFF tours and still relevant today.

Our Joint Approach to Congress and POTUS

The work we are doing with members of the House of Representatives, encouraging them to do their part on abolishing the use of nuclear weapons and power, is complementary to that work which we are doing with the nuclear ban treaty and our petition to the US Senate and POTUS. 

Our committee welcomes all US Section members to join in this work.  Please invite friends and concerned community members to work with us, too.  You can reach out to DISARM-End Wars committee co-chair Ellen Thomas,  with any questions and ideas.

Other Actions for 2018


We participated in CODEPINK’s Divest from the War Machine Conference in October and will continue to work with other groups on this issue, such as ICAN.  We also promoted Don’t Bank on the Bomb.

US Military Bases on Foreign Soil

WILPF US is a founding member of the newly-formed Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases, established to deal with the wide range of issues around these bases and to work for their closures. Several WILPF members will be participating in and attending the inaugural conference, Conference on U.S. Foreign Military Bases, January 12 – 14, 2018, at the Learning Commons Town Hall of the University of Baltimore.  The conference will also be livestreamed here.  For conference details go here.  We will report back on the events.

Is Drone War Protest Worthwhile?

From the National Guard Magazine of the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS), “Stress from the job is compounded by persistent ‘anti-drone’ protesters who show up at some of the Air Guard’s RPA bases.  Protesters have repeatedly blocked the gates at New York’s Hancock Field and Michigan’s Battle Creek Air Guard Base.”  According to Col. Bryan Davis, commander of Ohio's 178th Wing, ‘The protests take a toll.  We are not popular among the American public.  It doesn’t make you feel warm inside.’”

The organization KNOWDRONES has a wealth of information on drones.  Its mission is to educate the public about drone attacks, through its website and through cable television, internet and newspaper advertising opposing these attacks.  They have as goals for their “counter-advertising media campaign … to: (1) urge drone operators to resist participating in military drone surveillance and killing; and (2) erode public support for the U.S. drone war program.”

Drone war is an extremely powerful, illegal process of repression and control being developed by the United States and other governments around the world.  Its primary victims are poor, people of color who have no defense against a drone attack.

Drones are not new and their use by our government is not new, either.  Read chapter 6, “Beyond Bayonets and Battleships” in Alfred W. McCoy’s recent book, In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of US Global Power (Dispatch Books, 2017).  He writes about the long history of drone use by the US.

The public still needs to be educated on drone use.  There are 64 drone bases on US soil.  Find the nearest drone base to your home here and join or organize a vigil or protest.  Wikipedia sites information on US drone bases on foreign soil here.

Contact Marge Van Cleef,, (Greater Philadelphia branch) for copies of up-to-date leaflets you can use. 

Marge and Joan Ecklein,, (Boston branch) are the two leaders of the “End Wars” focus of the DISARM-End Wars committee and both are active against drones in their communities.  They are a good resource if you are working in on this issue.

Ongoing DISARM-End Wars Monthly Meetings

Members from branches and at-large members who are working on disarmament and end-wars related issues are warmly invited to join us on the monthly DISARM-End Wars committee conference calls, to find out more about our Section-wide actions and strategies.  Share what you are doing in your community and help us strategize how to best move forward in 2018. 

We hope branches will each have at least one member participating in our committee calls each month, so that we can expand our effectiveness throughout the Section and build community.  If you are an At-Large member, we hope your participation in our committee calls will help you in your local activism, as well as help you organize WILPF members in your community to establish first a group, and then a local branch!

To join the calls on the last Sunday of every month (4:30 pm Pacific / 7:30 pm Eastern time), register here prior to the first call you’d like to join.  The registration screen is self-explanatory.  But, if you have any problems with registering or joining the calls, please feel free to email Michael at for assistance. 

January Meeting - Administrative Matters

  • As always, there will be check-ins and a treasurer’s report.
  • This month, we will also be discussing the plans we’ve made for priorities in 2018, as well as our leadership structure.
    • Of our current three co-chairs (Robin Lloyd, Burlington, Vermont branch; Barbara Nielsen, San Francisco, California branch; Ellen Thomas, At-Large from Tyron, North Carolina), one (Barbara) will be taking office on the WILPF national board.  Barbara Nielsen and Teresa Castillo of the Fresno, California branch, have been elected by the section’s membership as the two Chairs of the national Program Committee and will take office at the board’s January 16th meeting.
    • We will use time during our January DISARM-End Wars committee meeting to brainstorm administrative and program leadership ideas for our committee, as Barbara will be transitioning away from co-chair duties and back to her membership on our larger committee leadership team.
    • We are looking for committee members who have interest and capacity in stepping up in more ways for our committee.  If you have such talents, please join us for this first 2018 full committee meeting.


Post date: Thu, 01/04/2018 - 12:34

Photo credit:

By Odile Hugonot Haber

Postings have been circulating on Facebook, and articles online around the world, about the plight of Ahed Tamimi, a sixteen-year-old Palestinian girl who lives in the West Bank.  She has been imprisoned by the Israelis, along with her mother and other members of her family.  Accounts state that more than two dozen Israeli soldiers engaged in a raid on the family home around 3:00 am one morning, pounding on the front door until it was opened by Ahed’s father.   The soldiers then took the child away without allowing anyone from the family to accompany her.  Her mother was arrested later that day, when she went to visit Ahed in prison. 

Ahed is not, by far, the only Palestinian child in the West Bank who has been taken by the Israeli military and imprisoned under Israeli military law, which is the law being used to prosecute these children and, in fact, all Palestinians in the West Bank.  The reason for Ahed’s arrest appears to have been due to Israeli government embarrassment when, frustrated and angry with the military lobbing tear gas cannisters at her family’s house and injuring a member of her family (who remains in a hospital in a coma), Ahed reached out and slapped an Israeli soldier.  That slap was captured on video and has been seen around the world.  Ahed was arrested in the middle of the next night.

There is a United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child that has been in place since 1990, which Israel has been ignoring with impunity since that time, despite UN Member States obligation to conform to its proscriptions in all actions regarding children within each State.

However, according to the website of Defense for Children International (“DCI”), the following conditions have existed and still exist today, with regard to the treatment by Israel of Palestinian children in “the Occupied Palestine Territory:”

“Since 1967, Palestinian children in the Occupied Palestinian Territory have been living under Israeli military law and prosecuted in military courts.”

“In the West Bank, there are two separate legal systems operating in the same territory.  The sole factor in determining which laws apply to a person is his or her nationality and ethnicity.”

“Israeli military law, which fails to ensure and denies basic and fundamental rights, is applied to the whole Palestinian population.  Israeli settlers living in the West Bank are subject to the Israeli civilian and criminal legal system.”

“Israel is the only country in the world that automatically prosecutes children in military courts that lack basic and fundamental fair trial guarantees.  Since 2000, at least 8,000 Palestinian children have been arrested and prosecuted in an Israeli military detention system notorious for the systematic ill-treatment and torture of Palestinian children.”

“Around 500-700 Palestinian children are arrested, detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system each year.”

The majority of Palestinian child detainees are charged with throwing stones, and three out of four experience physical violence during arrest, transfer or interrogation.  No Israeli child comes into contact with the military court system.

How and why does this happen?

It appears that, simply because they can do so with impunity, the Israeli government and military arrested this child because their authority and actions were put under scrutiny and they were embarrassed by this girl’s slap of an Israeli soldier who had been part of a group attacking her family and home.

“Ahed Tamimi Has Become the Symbol of a New Generation of Palestinian Resistance,” shouts the headline of the article by Ben Ehrenreich dated December 24, 2017, on The Nation magazine’s website, with this subheading, “It would be far better, however, if she could just be a child.”  

It explained that she lives in the West Bank, in the village of Nabi Saleh, next to the settlement of Halamish.  Several years ago, when the nearby Israeli settlers confiscated a spring that runs in the valley and had been giving its waters to the village nearby, many people from the villages started an unarmed resistance.  The Israeli border police came in and disbanded the group marching and her cousin Mustafa Tamimi was shot in the face and killed by a tear gas cannister fired from the back of an Israeli vehicle. 

Resistance from the village and aggressions by the Israelis had gone on for more than three years when, suddenly, recently, and captured on video, this girl child was shown slapping an Israeli soldier twice, embarrassing the Israeli military and government as the video went viral around the world.  Ahed was then arrested on December 20, along with her mother and cousin, Nour, and is characterized as “very defiant,” even though she endured numerous attacks and incursions into her family life, the deaths of her uncle and cousin, and other attacks involving family, friends and neighbors.

Read the full article here.  If you have access to the website for Haaretz, read the open letter from Ahed’s father, Bassem, to his daughter, written as an Opinion piece, dated December 29, 2017.

There are several petitions, including the one at this link, to protest this treatment of Ahed and other Palestinian children at the hands of the Israeli military.

In addition to the alleged international protections under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, one of our own Members of the House of Representatives has introduced legislation focused on this unacceptable situation regarding children in Palestine.  The bill is H.R. 4391, Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act.   Information about this newly-introduced legislation, including its full text, is available here.  It is sponsored by Representative Betty McConnell (D-MN), and as of December 29, 2017, there are 19 co-sponsors.

This bill prohibits US assistance to Israel from being used to support the military detention, interrogation, or ill-treatment of Palestinian children in violation of international humanitarian law (the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, for instance) or the use against Palestinian children of:

  1. torture, inhumane, or degrading treatment;
  2. physical violence or psychological abuse;
  3. incommunicado or administrative detention;
  4. solitary confinement;
  5. denial of parental or legal access during interrogations; or
  6. force or coercion to obtain a confession.

Please contact your Member of Congress:

  • See contact information here.
  • Check the list of co-sponsors here.
    • If your Member of Congress is a co-sponsor, thank them!
    • If your Member of Congress is NOT a co-sponsor, ask him or her to co-sponsor H.R. 4391.
  • In either case, we ask you to ask your Member of Congress to reach out to the State Department to intercede with Israel to ask for this child, Ahed Tamimi, to be released from jail, and for her mother Nariman, and her cousin, Nour, to be released, too.

Middle East Committee Monthly Meetings

The Middle East Committee is re-establishing a standardized monthly call schedule, beginning January 2018. Based on response from the members on the Middle East listserv, it looks like the calls will be Thursday evenings, either the first, third or fourth Thursday of the month. The calls will likely begin at 5:00 pm Pacific / 8:00 pm Eastern time and will be scheduled for one hour.

Members from branches and at-large members who are working on disarmament and end-wars related issues are warmly invited to join us on these Middle East Committee conference calls, to find out more about our Section-wide actions and strategies.  Share what you are doing in your community and help us strategize how to best move forward in 2018. 

We hope branches will each have at least one member participating in our committee calls each month, so that we can expand our effectiveness throughout the Section and build community.  If you are an At-Large member, we hope your participation in our committee calls will help you in your local activism, as well as help you organize WILPF members in your community to establish first a group, and then a local branch!

To make sure you receive notice of the calls, especially if you are not sure whether you are already on the Middle East Committee email list (listserv), please send an email to a Middle East co-chair (below). Please let us know your branch or group or, if you have no branch or group, your city/town and state, and your telephone number.  If you have a Thursday evening preference, you could let us know that, too, and we will do our best to accommodate. 

Contacts:  Middle East Issue Committee Co-Chairs:  Odile Hugonot Haber (Ann Arbor branch) ( and Barbara Taft (Phoenix, Arizona branch) (



Post date: Thu, 01/04/2018 - 12:20

Photo credit:  Designed by Nancy Price

By Nancy Price

Time to Spring Forward with Earth Democracy and Corporations v Democracy from January to June.  As we begin 2018 with branch meetings, issue and program committee and ONE WILPF calls, here’s what we are planning.

We’d love to hear from you.  Sharing together, we can be more creative and successful together.  Please join the Earth Democracy Issue Committee email listserve.  Your experience with past local events and how you reached out to and collaborated with other groups is invaluable, including any materials you’d like to share.  To join the listserv, email WILPF Interim Admin, Chris Wilbeck, at


Keeping an eye on the NAFTA2 re-negotiations

Roll-out of #WhySoSecret? #ReleasetheNAFTA2TextNow campaign

NAFTA: Why so secret?All sectors of civil society are actively promoting what they want in NAFTA2 – real protections for jobs, labor and the environment; guarantees for Buy Local and Buy America programs; food safety, an end to the secret ISDS supra-national corporate trade courts, and much more. 

There are rumors that some provisions from the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) and the TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) will be in NAFTA2.  Yet, the secret negotiations include as many as 600 corporate representatives at the table and only few members of civil society groups.

Because the Mexican Presidential elections take place in July, the Mexican government is pressuring Canada and the US to finalize the text by late March.  So, negotiations are on Fast Track.  And, when the text goes to Congress, NAFTA2 vote is on Fast Track: no hearings, NO amendments, and majority vote. 

Plan to join our #WhySoSecret? #ReleasetheNAFTA2TextNow campaign.

Earth Democracy CA Branch Tour

Earth Democracy received a grant to fund Nancy Price and Eliza Garbutt visits to CA branches to discuss the Commission on the Status of Women 2018, with the priority theme:  Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls.  The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and corporate influence will also be discussed.  

Please discuss with your branch, soon, whether you’d like to host such a program in late March or early April and call or email Nancy at 530-758-0726 (pacific time) or

Eliza Garbutt was a 2017 WILPF Practicum student who graduated in June from UC Santa Barbara.


Formally launch Nancy Glock-Gruenrich’s 7-part series: The Future We Need and How to Get It

Nancy Glock-Gruenrich, a Santa Cruz Branch member, has developed a 7-part monthly program titled: The Future We Need and How to Get It, based on her two workshops at the Chicago Congress. It broadcasts on local Santa Cruz community TV channel 27.  Watch the first show here. The second show will be taped and available soon.  A local Santa Cruz study group is using her Study Guide: Citizen Actions Field Manual.  Stay tuned…

Tri-County Public Bank in CA

Randa Solick and Santa Cruz Branch members will create and post materials on their project to create a tri-county Public Bank in California, with information on why public banking is one way, among many, to build the new economy for people and the planet. Materials will focus on the benefits of a public bank in helping to fund green, renewable energy, local agriculture and restoration projects, women and family entrepreneurs and so much more, so our local and regional economies support people and our communities and not drain money out to Wall Street bankers/speculators and the global 1%.  


Plans are to post an updated version of Earth Democracy's Communities and Nature Workshop to the WILPF website.


March 8, International Women’s Day

Be inspired by Cape Cod’s 2017 Challenge,  Addressing Climate Change in Our Daily Lives: The WILPF Cape Cod Challenge.

Here’s the Challenge proposed to every WILPF branch!

  • Honor the women in your region who have led successful environmental actions.
  • Challenge your members to measure and reduce their individual and household carbon footprints. 
  • Invite other organizations to follow your example.

For more information, email Laurie Gates at or Jan Hively at

March 22, World Water Day

This year’s theme is “The Answer is in Nature.”  How can we reduce floods, droughts and water pollution?  By using solutions we already find in nature.   Explore the World Water Day website for ideas and inspiration.  Check out this amazing website for materials and local projects: Biodiversity for a Livable Climate/Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming and their latest conference Climate Reckoning: Paths to an Earth Restored.

World Water Day connects many different topics and one or another may be more urgent for you locally to highlight (i.e. fracking, frac-sand mining, pipelines, CAFOs, privatization of water and sanitation, pollution of water sources and contaminants in drinking water, environmental justice, biodiversity-regeneration-restoration).  Don’t forget - behind the curtain are the oil, gas, coal and nuclear plant companies.  We must continue to endorse divestment campaigns and call out the wealthy donors and lobbyists who endorse climate-destroying policies.

Look for Factsheets, available March, on the three federal and state proposals to reduce our carbon footprint:  Cap and Trade, Carbon Tax, and Carbon Pricing and Dividend. 

Last year’s theme was “Why Waste Water?”  We wrote then to just say “NO” to Nestlé and to glyphosate-based herbicides, such as Monsanto’s Roundup.  This year we still need to say “NO.”  Go to your local garden stores and ask to put up information on Roundup or hand-out information in front of the store; table at your local farmer’s market; lobby your City and County Councils to stop using Roundup or other products on city parks, greenbelts, and roadsides.  


April 15, Tax Day

Let’s hear from you with proposals for Tax Day demonstrations and protests.  Is it time to make the case for a Women’s Budget and protest the immorality of the Tax Bill and the military budget?  Maybe a ONE WILPF call in February or March to discuss plans, need for Factsheets and actions?  Do we want a WILPF banner designed for a ONE WILPF Solidarity action?

April 22, Earth Day

Earth Day Theme Poll: The Earth Day Network is polling for what the theme for Earth Day 2018 should be - Plastics, Biodiversity vs. Extinction, or Extreme Weather?  Read the explanations on why each of these themes is so important and take the poll here.

ONE WILPF Earth Day Solidarity Action.  Peace & Planet Before Profit!

Let’s get more WILPF branches to engage in the Earth Day action this year.  In 2017, 26 branches planned an event for our first national action with the same message - all of us standing in the same direction.  Read the call for standing in solidarity from last year here.  Go here for a wonderful assembly of photos from the 2017 Branch events.

It’s never too early to start planning to order a banner and work with other local groups.  Be sure to order your Climate Justice+Women+Peace Infographic Card for your action now.   Email Marybeth Gardham at  

This year, more than ever, Mother Earth needs all the support we WILPF women can give her! 


May Day

Take a fresh bunch of flowers to a friend or neighbor who is shut-in, help someone in their garden who can no longer do all their gardening, or join with others in your community garden to finish spring clean-up, planting, weeding, and early harvest.

May 1, International Labor Day

The Global Climate Convergence will be planning Earth Day to May Day: Ten Days of Action. WILPF can put events on our Earth Day and the Convergence calendar.  Read the mission statement of the Global Climate Convergence and history of Earth Day and May Day here.

No matter what happens with negotiation and ratification of NAFTA2 by Congress, and with other free trade agreement negotiations underway (TiSA and TTIP and bilaterals with other countries, such as Japan), a large national and international mobilization is needed to turn back the assault on labor and working families.  Watch for updates.


Planning for July 4th actions to Declare Independence from Corporate Rule with Corporations v Democracy.

Planning to celebrate of First Year Anniversary on July 7 of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons with Disarm/End War.

For more information, contact Nancy Price at

Inset photo credits:

NAFTA graphic credit:  Designed by Barbara Clancy, National Campaigns Coordinator, Alliance for Democracy

People Before Profit photo credit: Courtesy of WILPF East Bay Branch





Post date: Thu, 01/04/2018 - 12:03

Photo by Al McDonell. Back row:  Jan Corderman, Vonnie Salem, Doris Covalt.  Front row:  Willa Tharpe, Mary Ann Koch, Karla Hansen

By Jan Corderman, Des Moines Branch 

There is nothing like a good book and friends to put a smile on the face of a class of third graders!  

Jan Corderman and Mary Ann Koch took New Shoes by Susan Meyer, one of the 2016 Jane Addams Children’s Book Award winners, to a group of third graders at St. Joseph School in Des Moines.

After asking the students to draw around their feet and talk about the difficulty of fitting shoes by using the drawing, the children listened to the book with deeper interest.  Then, each student drew a picture representing a scene from the story that caught their attention.

As a special treat for the students, Jan arranged for them to skype with the author.  They were able to show Susan Meyer their pictures and ask her questions about the process of writing a book.  Several remarked that it was much more involved than they had thought.  Susan even shared how she had worked with the illustrator of the book to determine how best to show her ideas.  Her cat joined her, when it was time to say goodbye.

The class hated to end their time with the author.  About a week later, we received Thank You notes from the students.                                  

Other Book Outings

Vonnie Salem presented three award winning books to the entire student body and faculty at Samuelson Elementary School.  The principal noted that the book, Lillian’s Right to Vote, fit perfectly into the 5th grade curriculum.  Some faculty members also said they appreciated hearing about all the books, so they could plan ways to use them in class.

Doris Covalt presented books to the Forest Ave Library, something she has been doing for several years.  Doris is a “Friend” of the Library.

In April, our Branch scheduled a Watch Party at the Forest Avenue Library.  Over cake and coffee, we watched the announcement of the 2017 winners of the Jane Addams Children’s Book Awards.  We invited the librarians to join us, further spreading the word about the wonderful books.

A highlight of the year was reading Des Moines branch member Karla Hansen’s new children’s book, The Shimmering Secret.  We invited her to meet with our committee and share the details of her book and encouraged attendance at Karla’s announcement events.  We were so pleased when The Shimmering Secret was selected for a Mom’s Choice Award and was also named among the best in family-friendly media, products and services.

For more information, contact Jan Corderman at

