2018 Solidarity Events [test]

Des Moines Branch
Des Moines Branch

Speaking with One Voice

When we stand and act together on the same day, we amplify OUR voice.
With coordinated resources, handouts and signage, we magnify OUR message.
Speaking in ONE voice goes farther, is louder, and OUR strength becomes undeniable.

The following Solidarity events are the united actions that WILPF US Members are working on across the country throughout 2018.

Contact 1wilpfcalls@gmail.com to coordinate the actions of your branch or for At-Large Members, to organize or join these actions in your part of the country.  

January 20: Women's Marches
San Jose Branch
During the Second Annual Women’s March, 17 branches and many At-Large members acted together across the nation.    

See our Photo Gallery
Share our Materials


April 22: Earth Day: Peace & Planet Before Profits

Our branches and members will be marching for Mother Earth in support the role of SCIENCE to heed the Precautionary Principle 

Watch here for Plans, Resources, Materials and Photos.


May 13–June 21: May Days of Action: The Poor People's Campaign

Rev. William Barber leads the Poor People’s Campaign, founded by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The four pillars of the PPC: Poverty, Systemic Racism, Ecological Devastation and the War Economy.

During the Days of Action in May, the PPC is calling for a National Moral Revival fueled by civil disobedience and peaceful mass protests.

Branches and members are invited to plan strategically across the country as WILPF US to answer the call of the Poor Peoples Campaign.

Find out more at WILPF4PPC@gmail.com

Watch here for Plans, Resources, Materials and Photos.


August 6: Hiroshima Remembrance Day

With the Doomsday Clock at 2 minutes to midnight, the planet is poised for possible nuclear war as two unstable national leaders face off and play chicken with the nuclear button.

Our members know that nuclear power is no game. 

From toxic uranium mining on sacred native lands to dangerous transporting of nuclear materials across our nation’s highways, unsustainable and irresponsible storage of toxic radioactive waste, and the profits from nuclear energy that feed  nuclear weapons profiteers and lobbyists, it’s time to #EndtheWholeNuclearEra.   

We can do better!

WILPF US is holding candlelight vigils, lantern ceremonies, prayer vigils and otherwise marking the horrific and tragic Anniversary of the first nuclear attack, when the US dropped nuclear bombs on the civilian populations of urban Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan. 

These events are planned to educate the public and organize them to encourage the US to join 120 other nations who have signed a UN Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty. 

Here’s the link to our #EndtheWholeNuclearEra Petition Campaign

Watch here for Plans, Resources, Materials and Photos to plan your own Event.