Look around you -- whether in your local community, nationally, or globally, it's painfully easy to see: these are times that urgently call for both involvement and leadership – your leadership.
Since you're reading this, you most likely are a leader or a potential leader! For some of us, that position may be hard to acknowledge, especially for many women and also for those who are not actively involved in a group or a movement. But you, dear reader, are likely to take action; to analyze what you read, hear, and see; to have ideas—perhaps even plans—as to what should be done about some current situations; and even to have a vision of a better world. These are key qualities of leadership! I tell you, probably you are or could be a leader because (to paraphrase poet, Robert Bly) you are being persistent in making sure our small boat stays afloat in the storm.
Now, please, step forward! For both leaders and willing helpers, we have a number of current and upcoming openings at the national level of WILPF, and we urge you to bring your light out from “under a bushel”. (Also, you can nominate others for the WILPF-US Board; please see below.)
Among the best "beginner" volunteer opportunities for busy branch or at large members is membership on a national committee or subcommittee. These committees operate primarily by email and generally meet no more often than monthly, via conference calls.
On a committee, you will be able to try your hand at a variety of important tasks – with guidance and teamwork. WILPF committees rotate leadership tasks and work collaboratively on other projects, so you can develop your skills and both observe and exercise leadership.
For all volunteer openings, you must have been a WILPF-US member for at least two months. Please feel free to email nominations@wilpfus.org, both to tell us a little about yourself and to ask about what openings may be good matches for you. We can talk usefully together. Please also see our leadership opportunities page. We are working to update this page, so please check back frequently and feel free to contact me regarding the latest or other unlisted openings and opportunities..
Also, you can fill out the WILPF-US Board Nomination form to nominate another person—or yourself—for consideration as a board candidate. For information on the board positions and their terms of office for the 2014 elections, see section V.A.3. of our Bylaws.
The world of activism can be an inspiring place—and a daunting one. Please, remember the green wood from which you sprang! Work in the company of other good people, now, to preserve and protect it. We can put energy into WILPF-US to keep green the wood, the world, the civil society, and all the best of human culture—for future generations!