Post date: Fri, 07/05/2013 - 08:00

Look around you -- whether in your local community, nationally, or globally, it's painfully easy to see: these are times that urgently call for both involvement and leadership – your leadership.  

Since you're reading this, you most likely are a leader or a potential leader! For some of us, that position may be hard to acknowledge, especially for many women and also for those who are not actively involved in a group or a movement. But you, dear reader, are likely to take action; to analyze what you read, hear, and see; to have ideas—perhaps even plans—as to what should be done about some current situations; and even to have a vision of a better world. These are key qualities of leadership! I tell you, probably you are or could be a leader because (to paraphrase poet, Robert Bly) you are being persistent in making sure our small boat stays afloat in the storm.

Now, please, step forward! For both leaders and willing helpers, we have a number of current and upcoming openings at the national level of WILPF, and we urge you to bring your light out from “under a bushel”. (Also, you can nominate others for the WILPF-US Board; please see below.)  

Among the best "beginner" volunteer opportunities for busy branch or at large members is membership on a national committee or subcommittee. These committees operate primarily by email and generally meet no more often than monthly, via conference calls.  

On a committee, you will be able to try your hand at a variety of important tasks – with guidance and teamwork. WILPF committees rotate leadership tasks and work collaboratively on other projects, so you can develop your skills and both observe and exercise leadership.

For all volunteer openings, you must have been a WILPF-US member for at least two months. Please feel free to email, both to tell us a little about yourself and to ask about what openings may be good matches for you. We can talk usefully together. Please also see our leadership opportunities page. We are working to update this page, so please check back frequently and feel free to contact me regarding the latest or other unlisted openings and opportunities..

Also, you can fill out the WILPF-US Board Nomination form to nominate another person—or yourself—for consideration as a board candidate. For information on the board positions and their terms of office for the 2014 elections, see section V.A.3. of our Bylaws

The world of activism can be an inspiring place—and a daunting one. Please, remember the green wood from which you sprang! Work in the company of other good people, now, to preserve and protect it.  We can put energy into WILPF-US to keep green the wood, the world, the civil society, and all the best of human culture—for future generations!

Post date: Thu, 07/04/2013 - 10:21

By Nancy Price, Member, Leadership Team, Earth Democracy Issue Committee

Join WILPF at the Democracy Convention in Madison, Wisconsin, August 7-11 and meet up with members of the Corporations v Democracy, Earth Democracy and DISARM/End Wars Issue Committees and many WILPFers from near and far. 

WILPF is a National Sponsor and the Earth Democracy Issue Committee is hosting two panels for the Earth Democracy conference, one of nine that make up the Democracy Convention. 

Madison WILPFers are invited to a Peace and Freedom Dinner at the Bethel Lutheran Church, 312 Wisconsin Avenue (map) on Thursday, August 8 from 5-7 pm. The church is only a short walk from the downtown campus of Madison College in central Madison. This dinner will feature local food cooked by them and WILPF friends.

The first Democracy Convention in 2011 was a great success. Check out the 2013 Agenda and register now Here, you can download printable drafts of the Earth Democracy agenda and confirmed speakers.

The nine conferences that make up the convention are: Constitutional Reform, Economic Democracy, Race & Democracy, Local Democracy, Education for Democracy, Earth Democracy, Representative Democracy, Media, and Democratizing Defense. For the first 2011 Democracy Convention, I was invited to organize the Earth Democracy conference and was invited again this year. The programs for each of these will be posted on the convention website as soon as they are finalized.

WILPF is sponsoring two panels. The first will be the pared-down Earth Democracy Workshop that has been presented at three CA Branches; and the second is a Teaching Earth Democracy panel organized by Susan Freiss of the Madison Branch and including several of her public school teacher colleagues.  

We would also like to introduce Emily Busam, Program/Administrative and Earth Democracy Issue Committee summer Intern.

Emily will be our summer intern working in a variety of ways to support the Earth Democracy Issue Committee, assisting first of all in finalizing new materials to the website for the four sub-committees and for the Earth Democracy Workshop: Local Action Tool Kit. 

Emily is a student at Lawrence University in Appleton, WI, where she is majoring in Environmental Studies. As she wrote to me, “I am very excited to be part of a group of such strong and socially aware women. I look forward to working with and learning from you.” She’ll be in the Boston office on Mondays, Wednesdays from 10 am to 4 pm. 

How Emily came to be a WILPF intern is an example of serendipity—one of my mother’s favorite words. Initially, I met Emily third hand through a friend that I made more than 10 years ago when I worked for CA State Assembly Woman Audie Bock, first Green Party member in the legislature. Emily was looking for some assistance on shaping a research proposal for a Watson Travelling Fellowship for the year following graduation from college and she was interested in talking with someone who had worked on water issues. One thing let to another and Emily and I had long conversations over the spring during which she learned about WILPF and the Earth Democracy Issue Group . . . and applied for the Internship . . . and, as they say, the rest is history. You can reach Emily via email at

Post date: Thu, 07/04/2013 - 09:52

by Carol Urner, Co-Chair, DISARM/End Wars Issue Committee

In this month of July, we pause to celebrate the varied work and many contributions of our WILPF Reaching Critical Will staff in Geneva and New York. We in the US work on local and national levels, while they concentrate on the international, but our issues and challenges are intricately interconnected. In Geneva, WILPF staff participated in the first discussion of autonomous killer drones and humanitarian law held by government ambassadors meeting in the Human Rights Council. We have worked closely with Reaching Critical Will for 14 years on our current major goal of abolishing nuclear weapons. We are delighted to work closely with them on banning robotic killer drones as well.

These fully autonomous drones are programmed to seek out and assassinate from the  heavens suspected "enemies" without any human guidance or participation. Read the Reaching Critical Will report here. We can be thankful for the work these WILPF women do at the UN and  prepare for new tasks lying ahead for us all.

Here in the US we continue to work on banning weaponized drones, ending current  wars and preventing  new ones. In June, WILPF got involved in new efforts to end the longest war in US history: the Korean war which divided that country in to two parts There was an armistice but never the promised negotiated peace treaty or referendum on reunification. International WILPF has endorsed the call  of 40 South Korean organizations for an end to the war that keeps Korea divided and the south occupied by almost 30,000 US troops on at least 15 US bases. WILPF-US is also becoming more involved in trying to prevent new wars in Asia. Some of our current members have been cooperating for the last three years with the Working Group on Peace and Demilitarization in Asia and the Pacific and DISARM/End Wars now has a member on the committee.

In July, our emphasis will be on preparing for August Nuclear Free Future Month. We emphasize the urgent necessity for abolition of nuclear weapons and the whole nuclear chain. Click here to read about the new bill (HR 1650) introduced by Eleanor Holmes Norton calling for US leadership to gain nuclear weapons abolition by 2020, the 2012 US Conference of Mayors resolution with a similar call for abolition by 2020 and the powerful and specific June 2013 Mayors’ resolution. Let’s make sure their voices are heard and heeded.

WILPF has long considered the phasing out of nuclear power required along with weapons abolition. In June, we rejoiced at the closing down of four reactors including the two malfunctioning Mark 1 reactors at San Onofre. We are pleased that the Los Angeles WILPF Branch and the handful of San Diego area WILPFers had some role in the campaign for shut down. Now Cecile Pineda, author of Devil’s Tango, now in its second edition, is focusing her efforts on the shut down of the two Diablo reactors near San Louis Obispo and is planning a tour to  Monterey, San Luis Obispo and Fresno. She hopes to add others and will start out with speaking at the August 6 demonstration at the gates of Livermore Nuclear Weapons Laboratory.

For any who missed and the new video of Charmaine Whiteface on Uranium mining done for us by Crystal Zevon of Montpelier Branch click here. DVDs are available of Charmaine’s 9 minute presentation from Hattie Nestel. She can mail a copy to you for $5 to cover postage and costs.

In June we found a possible sponsor and co-sponsor for the bill Charmaine wants to introduce in the House.  It would mandate a moratorium on uranium mining  until existing mines are cleaned up and sealed. (Of course WILPF seeks closure of all mines but that would happen with abolition of nuclear weapons and phasing out of nuclear power in any case.) In July we can use your help in contacting your Representatives in the House, and especially if yours belongs to the Progressive Caucus. Again, these women and men are our best friends in the House.

And then there is that mountain of nuclear waste, 70 years high that has no place on earth that it can safely go. Some of the most dangerous radio nuclides already generated by the nuclear industry will be with us killing the planet and its life forms for thousands of years. We have no choice but to  stop this failed human experiment before it is too late for life on earth.

Photo: WILPF Geneva Reaching Critical WIll staff participated in and reported on the UN Human RIghts Council special session on fully autonomous killer drones. Photo courtesy of WILPF Reaching Critical Will.

Post date: Thu, 07/04/2013 - 09:32

by Robin Lloyd, WILPF-US Development Committee Chair

Four WILPF members attended the World Social Forum in Tunis, Tunisia in late March. Social Forums have been taking place around the world since 2001, but this was the first World Forum to be located in an Arab country. We were all eager to get to know our MENA (Middle East/North Africa) sisters. None of us knew the other WILPF members were coming. Heidi recognized me with my END WAR T-shirt. Most of us attended the enthusiastic Women's Assembly that opened the forum, and several of us took part in a women's workshop sponsored by Global Grassroots Justice Alliance and the World March of Women. Watch a video of the meeting here. Heidi Meinzolt, WILPF-Germany, wrote a thoughtful essay that can be read on the WILPF International website and I wrote a report that is viewable on our Toward Freedom website.

During the short time that we were together we agreed that WILPF attendance at World, Regional and National Social Forums is important for our global outreach. Despite an agenda that included some 1,000 workshops, hardly any dealt with themes important to WILPFers. There was no mention of UNSCR 1325 and little reference to the UN, human security, human rights, conflict prevention and transitional justice. Heidi noted “I believe that a stronger and explicit WILPF voice strategically involved in debates on women could have made a difference and would have attracted both young and older (women) activists. 

Apart from the WSF, many events will be coming up in the next few years commemorating the centennial of World War I. For example, various history departments of universities in the former Yugoslavia will be sponsoring a conference in Sarejevo, where the war began, on June 19 and 20, 2014. The aim of the conference is to consider the causes, the course, and the consequences of the First World War and also its legacy and its place in the collective memory today. WILPF should be there. For more information, contact Robin Lloyd at

Photo: (l to r) Robin Lloyd WILPF US,  Annalisa Milani, WILPF Italy, MarlèneTuininga, WILPF France, Heidi Meinzolt, WILPF Germany.

Post date: Thu, 07/04/2013 - 08:40
In December 2012, WILPF joined in the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots. We share the growing concerns about the development of fully autonomous weapons—weapons that will completely remove any human intervention in the decision-making. 
WILPF is not only a member of this campaign, but also on the campaign's leadership body, where the Reaching Critical Will staff represents our organisation. The campaign was officially launched in April 2013 in London, with an NGO conference, a press conference and a briefing in the UK parliament. It was a very successful event. Since that time, WILPF organized a side event during the Human Rights Council in Geneva in May as the Special Rapporteur (title given to individuals working on behalf of various regional and international organizations who bear specific mandates to investigate, monitor and recommend solutions to specific human rights problemson extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, which raised serious concerns about these fully autonomous weapons and called for a moratorium. You can read more about the Campaign on its website and you can read about our events in Geneva on the Reaching Critical Will website.
The campaign is moving forward fast, and there's a large interest from media and the public about these issues. 
We want to remind you that WILPF is already engaged in this campaign as an organization so there is no need for individual WILPF sections to sign up for the campaign. If you want to get more involved in the campaign and receive information, please email Beatrice Fihn, Programme Manager-Reaching Critical Will, at We will continue to keep WILPF sections updated through our newsletter. Please email Beatrice to be added to the campaign's newsletter and mailing list, or subscribe here
For more information, please see:


Photo: Beatrice Fihn at the NGO Conference on the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots. Photo courtesy of Reaching Critical Will



Post date: Mon, 07/01/2013 - 12:23

Send a letter to your Representative here!

For the first time we have a bill in Congress calling for a nuclear free future by 2020—a short time frame within most of our own lifetimes. 

HELP WILPF LOBBY FOR NUCLEAR-FREE FUTURE BILL HR-1650: "Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic and Energy Conversion Act of 2013." Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton calls for nuclear weapons abolition by 2020 and for replacing nuclear power with truly green energy. Send your own Representative an email today urging co-sponsorship of HR 1650.

In the WILPF DISARM/End Wars committee we believe the need for Nuclear Weapons Abolition and closing down of the whole nuclear chain is urgent. 

WILPF members  are working in clusters to abolish nuclear weapons, shut down nuclear power, ban depleted uranium, stop production or nuclear waste and end uranium mining including on Native American lands. Of course our overall goal, like that of the United Nations, is general and complete disarmament and an end to war, as well as work on other disarmament issues and ending and preventing wars. However, we believe abolition of nuclear weapons is a necessary first step.


Image: Photo courtesy of Ellen Thomas. L to R Coralie Farlee  (WILPF DC coordinator), Pamela Moffat (WILPF DC member), Ellen Barfield (WILPF at-large, Baltimore), Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (Delegate, Washington, DC) Ellen Thomas (WILPF at-large, Tryon NC), in front Carol Urner. Portland OR Branch).

Post date: Sat, 06/29/2013 - 10:37

On April 18, 2013, DC's Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton introduced her nuclear-free future bill for the 11th time, as HR-1650.

This new and stronger version of her bill calls for nuclear weapons abolition by 2020, close out of nuclear power with a rapid shift to truly green energy and transfer of saved funds to human needs such as education and job producing infrastructure projects.

See Norton’s press release on April 18, 2013 for her own description of the bill.


Help find co-sponsors for HR 1650 and write to your own Representative. You can use and edit the model letter hereThe letter  also emphasizes the Conference of Mayors resolutionsIf your Representative is a member of the Progressive Caucus, be sure to include the link given to Norton's statement on introducing HR-1650. Progressive Caucus members are our best friends in Congress and most likely to become co-sponsors of HR 1650.

Edit to personalize your letter and refer to some positive personal link if possible. Even if you believe your Representative will not support HR 1650 thank her/him (if possible) for a legislative or other action that you believe was evidence of at least some concern for preservation of the environment, people, or other species of life on earth. We must win over many of those who currently reject a shorter time frame because they do not share our sense of urgency or still believe nuclear weapons are a deterrence rather than a dangerous threat to all life.

We hope you will continue to contact your Representative with friendly communications. You can also  call him/her via the House switchboard: 202-225-3121 or send a post card in addition to an e-mail letter. Unfortunately, mailed letters will still take a month or so due to screening for biological or chemical death threats. Faxing messages is a good alternative and you can obtain your Representative’s fax number from his/her website or local office.

The House of Representatives has a month-long recess in August and you seek an appointment with your Congressperson for yourself and a group of like minded friends  A meeting with local staff can help build relationship and open the way to a personal interview. You can also attend one of his/her town meetings. Share your own ideas and your experiences moving forward and keep us informed by emailing us at

Support of this new and stronger version of Norton’s  bill bolsters the appeals for abolition of nuclear weapons by 2020 of the US Conference of Mayors, United for Peace and Justice and the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation as well as International Mayors Peace Vision 2020, Abolition 2000 and our own WILPF Reaching Critical Will. All of these are also pressing for a short time frame and a tipping point.

Carol Urner of WILPF-US Disarm-End Wars Committee says, "The thing that is so significant about this bill is that it actually is calling on Congress to support nuclear weapons abolition (and shut down nuclear power plants) within a time frame which is now very short. Even Ed Markey's SANE Act (HR-1506, "Smarter Approach to Nuclear Expenditures")—as well as almost everything the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability puts out—accepts that nuclear weapons will be with us for a long time and tries to mitigate the dangers with common sense approaches. But someone has to say ‘Stop this madness NOW!

The whole nuclear chain is killing us and destroying earth as nurturer of life. Indeed, the majority of nations (134 or 2/3) are saying it now. The non-aligned movement has lengthened the time frame to 2025 but the message is the same: begin negotiating abolition now.

Reaching Critical Will has been saying "all we are lacking now is the will—we need a tipping point. Norton's bill and the mayors' resolutions are moving us toward that tipping point. The fact that Congressional nuclear hawks regard Norton as powerless—a mere non-voting delegate like representatives of American Samoa and the Virgin Islands—I think actually makes her bill all the more powerful and especially if we who are part of the majority who yearn for a nuclear free future now can link our unheard voices to hers."

Go to Proposition One for the history of this bill and of the Proposition One Campaign by our DISARM-End Wars co-chair  and friends in the decades before she became a WILPF member.

Share your own ideas and your experiences moving forward and keep us informed by emailing

Image: Photo courtesy of Ellen Thomas. L to R Coralie Farlee (WILPF DC coordinator), Pamela Moffat (WILPF DC member), Ellen Barfield (WILPF at-large, Baltimore), Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (Delegate, Washington, DC) Ellen Thomas (WILPF at-large, Tryon NC), in front Carol Urner. Portland OR Branch).


Post date: Fri, 06/07/2013 - 08:25
Post date: Tue, 06/04/2013 - 05:44

by Lib Hutchby, WILPF-Triangle Branch

North Carolina once was hailed as the Old South’s progressive stronghold… but no more! For the first time since 1898, extremist right-wing Republicans have won a super majority in the North Carolina Legislature, and a seat in the Governor's mansion, too. Since taking control of the State in January 2013, they’ve lost no time in unleashing an avalanche of regressive and repressive legislation that has left local WILPF members—and folks from throughout the State—reeling.

Voting rights and the Racial Justice Act, unemployment insurance, public schools, reproductive rights, environmental protections (including a previous moratorium on fracking), affordable health care, LGBTQ rights, immigrant rights, the earned income tax credit, gun control, separation of church and state . . . all are now on the Republican’s auction block.

Under the leadership of the Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, president of the NC NAACP, and in collaboration with the more than 140 other community organizations that comprise the HKonJ coalition, WILPF members sought to bring their concerns to their elected officials, but were stonewalled at every turn. When a citizen attempted lawfully to address the Legislature, State Senator Tommy Tucker (R-Union) admonished: "I'm the Senator. You're the citizen. You need to be quiet!"
We will not be quiet!

On April 29, several dozen North Carolinians sat in the legislative gallery with their mouths duct taped, demonstrating their outrage at being silenced. Seventeen others prayed and chanted in front of the doors to the General Assembly, and promptly were arrested. Five students were arrested on May Day, followed by 30 protesters on May 6 and 49 the Monday after that. Monday, May 20 brought an additional 57 arrests, bringing the “Moral Mondays” total to 158 thus far.

Among those arrested to date have been nine members of WILPF’s Triangle NC Branch, and more have vowed to follow in the weeks to come.

Rallies and demonstrations (and, no doubt, arrests) will continue every Monday during this Legislative session. Support is growing. A recent editorial in the Raleigh News & Observer commented:

"Republican lawmakers no doubt tell themselves that the protesters are extremists . . . But that dismissal is a delusion. The people getting arrested in waves at the General Assembly are carrying a message from many thousands of North Carolinians. They represent not only those who need government services, but those who believe the legislature is breaking the traditions and reversing the gains of a great and enlightened state. In the people’s house, such messengers ought not be arrested. They should be heard and heeded."

WILPF members engaging in this struggle are following in a long and proud tradition of WILPF leadership in North Carolina. Triangle WILPF was founded in 1935, and was host to the National Congress in 2011. WILPF’s partnership with the NC NAACP and the other member organizations of the HKonJ coalition creates a powerful fusion movement embracing groups working in the areas of immigrant justice, health care, economic justice/development, environmental justice, community organizing/outreach, faith/religion, youth/college/education, LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, democracy/civil/human rights, peace advocacy, and the media.

The future of North Carolina's children is far more precious than partisan political posturing. Their public schools, their safety nets, their voting rights, their fundamental human rights and, indeed, their water, air, and soil, must not be placed on the auction block. We are fighting for ALL the people of North Carolina, and for the chance to live in this gloriously beautiful state without threats to the freedoms, the health, and the well-being of the generations to come.

Forward Together! Not One Step Back!


For extensive video coverage of North Carolina’s growing movement, see:

For background and more coverage, see:


Photo 1: Rev. Dr. Barber, President of NC NAACP, with Mary Evelyn O'Neill, age 8, and Annie Rider O'Neill, age 12, speaking at FORWARD TOGETHER!! in NC; giving reasons for the need for Moral Mondays

Photo 2:  Civil disobedience inside the NC Legislature in front of the golden doors /refusal to stop singing, clapping, chanting, speaking out

