WILPF US Program Strategic Plan

WILPF US Program Strategic Plan

The working group set up to organize the information from the Program Retreat is seeking constructive feedback from all members on the draft document that can serve as an action plan going forward.

We believe that every voice counts and collaborative ownership of our program focus and activism, even in the first steps of review towards clarification and new action, is crucial. We recognize that the best way that branches often can discuss issues of importance is to circulate the information in advance of a periodic branch meeting and then meet in person to collaborate and pursue answers.

So we are hoping that members in branches will circulate this memo and the draft plan document and then meet in a branch meeting, hopefully, before the beginning of May 4, 2016.

Read the introduction to the strategic plan.

Interim questions can be sent to Odile and/or me, the Program Committee chairs, while we look forward to your important constructive input on how we can collectively move our program priorities and goals forward. Please send us your feedback, using our emails, shown below:

Maureen N. Eke: eke1mn@cmich.edu;

Odile Hugonot Haber: odilehh@gmail.com


Thank you for your cooperation.

Maureen N. Eke,