Statement on Rio+20

Statement on Earth Summit Rio+20:  
Twenty years after Rio 1992, our collective future is threatened. We all understand that our current impacts on the planet are unsustainable and know we must transition to a Real Green Economy, but the proposed false Green Economy is very dangerous. The future WILPF women want for present and future generations is most threatened by the false and destructive Green Economy promoted for Rio.
What is being proposed for Rio+20 under the name Green Economy is very different than anything we have seen .because the scale and scope of initiatives represents a bold attempt to enclose all of nature—of the natural commons. What is being proposed in the “financialization or commercialization of all nature” under the concept of “ecological services” and “enclosing of the commons” for private profit.  
The Zero Draft document titled “The Future We Want” is supposed to be the starting point for discussion. It is a compelling, optimistic title, but don’t be fooled. The Green Economy is being heavily promoted as the core outcome at Rio. But the governments of the United Nations states accepted the Green Economy as central to Rio before is was clearly defined. This has opened the door for powerful neo-liberal organizations and multi-national corporations, the major financial institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, and governments and to hijack the concept of a Green Economy.
Be careful of statements made in such the UN-sponsored Paper (link coming soon) just released by 20 past winners of the Blue Planet Prize, often called the Nobel Prize for the environment, for the 20th Anniversary of the Rio+20 conference in June, 2012. The authors view of sustainable development in the face of climate and ecological crisis is to put a value on biodiversity and so-called “ecosystem services” to create markets for them that can form the basis of green economies. (Link coming soon)  
The Rights of Nature in the Rio+20 Process