Standing Together as One WILPF
Published on May, 29 2017On April 22nd, 2017 thousands of people learned about WILPF in 23 events across the nation. Branches collaborated with allies and took advantage of marches and farmers markets and Earth Day festivals to visibly proclaim PEACE & PLANET BEFORE PROFITS and stand in solidarity as ONE WILPF on this theme.
San Francisco WILPF marched with the Scientists.
Triangle NC WILPF featured environmental chemical expert Sandra Steingraber and others at an Environmental Conference.
Santa Cruz
Santa Barbara WILPF tabled at their local Earth Day event.
Sacramento WILPF tabled with their local Earth Day celebration.
Phoenix AZ WILPF members braved the heat to table at Earth Day and featured their own Raging Grannies.
Peninsula/Palo Alto CA WILPF showed climate change film BEFORE THE FLOOD at their library and earlier participated in an Earth Day event in Cupertino.
Humboldt CA WILPF marched with the Scientists on Earth Day!
Fresno CA WILPF was out in force for Earth Day 2017!
Essex County NJ WILPF leaders Lauretta Freeman and Blanca Gerard collaborated with NJ Peace Action.
East Bay WILPF marched with the Scientists on Earth Day!
Des Moines IA WILPF held a rally on the steps of the Capitol building.
Corvallis OR WILPF marched at their Farmer's Market on Earth Day.
The human rights, needs and ways to truly welcome refugees were part of Burlington VT WILPF's conference on World Beyond War.
Burlington VT WILPF Conference Organizer Marguerite Adelman (center), with attendees.
Burlington VT WILPF organized a conference on April 22nd to educate about WHY they demand PEACE & PLANET BEFORE PROFIT.
Southern Indiana WILPF banner. Diane Legomsky, left.
A WILPF rally on the Courthouse steps in Bloomington, Indiana.