2018 ONE WILPF Calls
Published on June, 01 2020Archived Audio Recordings and Notes
December 13
SCREWNOMICS as an outreach tool for inspiring action, Introduction from our new President, Darien DeLu, and SOLIDARITY ACTIONS for 2019 taking shape.
Screwnomics PowerPoint-PDF
Screwnomics Powerpoint-PPT (compressed as zip file)
Screwnomics Powerpoint Audio File
November 9
Elections, Candidates & Strategies for 2019
This call featured MEMBER FORUMS to discuss reactions to the Midterm Elections. Callers also were introduced to our two WILPF US Candidates for Section President, Barbara Nielsen and Darien DeLu. And we concluded with a MEMBER FORUM to brainstorm ideas for SOLIDARITY ACTIONS in 2019. A subcommittee will take the suggestions, flesh them out before the next call and propose those with the most potential.
Text Pad
List of Initial Suggestions
October 13
Back from Ghana
Reports from our US Section Delegates to the WILPF International Congress in Ghana in August 2018. Including Q&A from members.
September 3
Ultimate Civics, a partner of WILPF US’s Corporations v Democracy Issue Committee, is helping students and adults find their First Amendment Rights, and use them! RIKI OTT discusses ACTIVATE MY DEMOCRACY, a course aimed at middle and high school students, as well as adults! Learn more… listen to the recording and contact Ultimate Civics to register to learn how to present the course!
Text pad rich with resource to learn more about
Powerpoint from Ultimate Civics details the development and successes Riki Ott has been having with this course.
Download Powerpoint
Download and view online PDF
August 9
Two Books to Inspire
- Victor Wallis, author of the new Red-Green Revolution: The Politics & Technology of Ecosocialism, spoke about how the capitalist system has contributed to the planetary decline and climate disaster, and how movements are building to unite economic justice with climate justice, known as “eco-socialism”.
- Screwnomics: How Our Economy is Rigged Against Women and Real Solutions for Lasting Change by Rickey Gard Diamond was discussed as a way of linking economic injustice to women with awareness of how capitalism and militarism steal funding, basic
July 12
Africa as the Inspiration for Independence Movements
Guest Speaker MAURICE CARNEY from Friends of the Congo. Mr. Carney provided an indepth fascinating history of the continent of Africa through the 1600s to modern times, including slave trade, colonization, theft of resources and plunder by nations and corporate players. He covered the beginnings and development of a Pan African movement and also discussed the US mobilization in Africa, the AFRI-COM military expansion since the Obama Administration, and the inspiration provided for many current US movements by young African activists. Nancy Price also introduced the First International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases, planned November 16-18 in Dublin Ireland, where Mr. Carney is one of many scheduled speakers. www.nousnatobases.org
June 14
Public Call: Final Reports—Poor People’s Campaign
Mary Bricker-Jenkins facilitated reports from branches across the country and personal statements from members who participated in the DAYS OF ACTION. Mini Training on Branch Planning Processes, featuring ideas for building long range planning into your branch’s annual schedule.
May 10
Here's what happened on the call:
- WILPF's final preparation for kick off of the 40 Days of Action for the POOR PEOPLE's CAMPAIGN was announced.
- The Nominating Committee announced a special call DISCOVER (Y)OUR LEADERSHIP, Thursday, May 31st at 5:30 pacific/8:30 eastern. An inspiring interactive sharing of leadership experience.
STARTING OVER PowerPoint Training Webinar offered excellent advice for all members to do strategic and planned recruiting in branches. Practical tips and inspiration for making Recruiting a driving force in your branch. Consider using this power point and the audio recording together as a powerful training for a branch or branch leadership meeting. Definitely should be required for Recruiting Chairs.
Listen to the Audio of the Power Point
Download PDF of PowerPoint
April 24
March 8
Jan Ben Dor and Karen McKim
WILPF's first PUBLIC Call celebrated International Women's Day with a PowerPoint featuring remarkable WILPF women. Then we moved on to the GRAB THEM BY THE MIDTERMS portion of the call that featured election reformers Jan BenDor of Michigan and Karen McKim of Wisconsin. There are great resources and notes available. The election integrity portion of the call begins at around 49:30. Just advance the audio cursor to that point.
Download notes
Listen to soap box segment following the call
Download PDF of PowerPoint
Poor People's Campaign Committee Chair Mary Bricker-Jenkins reporting on the plans organizers are making and resources that will be available—Mini Leadership Training on Welcoming Skills to help retain new members.