Test for story template and list format

Priority 2: Optional fixes
- List (ordered and unordered) size incorrect: I have to manually specify type size for lists. If I just use the default, they are the incorrect size.

  • Search ability in back end content list.
  • The list of content in the back end does not
  • have a search function to look for pages
  • Status::Completed
  1. Search ability in back end content list.
  2. The list of content in the back end does not
  3. have a search function to look for pages
  4. Status::Completed


- File manager available in all data entry pages: Only some of the back end templates have a file manager to upload PDF and Word files. We should have this on all main back end templates.

- Template not working: If we use the “story” template, it does not use the same margins and template structure as the other templates.

Priority 3: Design changes
-On the home page, there is a section “Discussion Boards”. Remove this and replace with a News section, that allows us to feature any content we want there.
SDI comments:: we have attached below the Mockup Design.Once You get approved it,We will integrate it.