Right to Health & Safe Food campaign – phase 2

Earth Democracy and Corporations v Democracy Issue Committees

Amid growing actions against Monsanto and its toxic Glyphosate herbicides, branches and members are being asked to distribute more of the Infographic Cards on Glyphosate. Read more about why, and ideas for how to make them more available:

With the World Health Organization’s declaration in March that Glyphosate, sprayed on the majority of all non-organic food crops in the US and many other nations, is a “probable human carcinogen”, WILPF’s Infographic Cards have been reprinted and 5,000 are ready for distribution. 

These cards are part of an array of tools and resources the campaign prepared for members which are available at the website

Glyphosate has been linked to serious and life-threatening birth defects, cancers, kidney disease, Parkinson’s disease and other health threatening diseases.  And it is being used in Monsanto’s new Enlist DUO product which includes 2-4-D, an ingredient used in Agent Orange. Duo’s toxicity goes well beyond Roundup’s to address the “super weeds” Roundup created. And it will soon be sprayed on most food crops we ingest, both whole and prepared foods.

Branches have ordered and distributed the first 5,000 cards. Now the campaign, a collaborative project of both CvD and Earth Democracy Issue Committees, is asking for another concerted effort at distribution to warn communities and motivate them to act.

In this second phase, branches and members are asked to contact their local ally organizations and formally ask them to look at the website tools, and consider distributing the Infographic Cards to their own lists of members and constituents. 

Ordering information is at the website, or contact  Marybeth Gardam mbgardam@gmail.com. This is an effort to widen the circle, getting the information out more broadly to warn the public. It will also raise the visibility of WILPF’s work on this issue in communities where we have members.

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