Cape Cod Branch Hosts “Inaugural Ball Stand-out”

Cape Cod branch members

From left, Cape Cod branch members Candace Perry, Elenita Muñiz, Pat O’Brien, and Donna Pihl. Missing from photo: Judy Fenner and Dianne Ashley.

By Elenita Muñiz
Member, Cape Cod WILPF

February 2021

Denied our customary opportunity to hold an Inaugural Ball in honor of the new president, the Cape Cod Branch of WILPF decided to host instead an “Inaugural Ball Stand-out” on the afternoon of January 20th. Despite the bitter cold, a small dedicated crew donned our ball gowns and elbow-length white gloves (sadly covered up by warm coats and hats) and gathered at a roundabout in downtown Hyannis. 

“We chose the location,” said branch convener Donna Pihl, “because it was located in the center of a raft of organizations whose work has received short shrift in the past administration. Those included Independence House, the Cape’s sexual assault resource center; the Hyannis Youth and Community Center; Barnstable Community Innovation School; and the Cape Organization for the Rights of the Disabled. Nearby is the only homeless shelter on the Cape and the Faith Family Kitchen, which provides thrice-weekly hot meals for anyone who’s hungry. It was important to call attention to the needs that had been neglected for the past four years.”

The group planted WILPF yard signs around the roundabout and carried signs highlighting issues such as homelessness, military overspending, and the soon-to-be-in-force Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. They waved madly at passing cars.

“We got only a handful of thumbs down, and only two raised fingers,” reported Candace Perry, who attended the ball as Ruth Bader Ginsburg. “Most drivers and their passengers honked and waved and cheered in support.”

I celebrated the installation of a minority woman as VP while calling for changes in federal budget priorities.

It felt so good to be able to celebrate while calling for change instead of standing out in anger and despair. 

Our branch is now working on a storytelling event to celebrate International Women’s Day.

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