July 2012 Treasurer's Letter

For a PDF version of this letter, click here.

Date: July 2012

To: International Representatives and Sections

From: Nancy Ramsden, Treasurer

Re: Financial Updates

1. Clarification process for sending donations to International WILPF:

As we are all aware International WILPF includes our two offices, Geneva office and New York UNO office, as well as our projects, PeaceWomen, Reaching Critical Will, Human Rights, any other projects initiated and carried out by International WILPF, and our support to sections for their development,  an area needing larger input. 

Now that the WILPF UNO office in New York is a tax deductible organization in the U. S., the UNO office has become the official financial conduit for donors wishing to have tax deductible status for their donation on their U.S. taxes.  WILPF UNO will now handle all such donations and JAPA will not continue in this role. We appreciate JAPA's work in providing us with this service over the years.

While we are in the process of this transition, if any such donations or bequests should come to JAPA, their  Executive Director will inform UNO staff and then return the donation to the donor, explaining the change and requesting that said donor please make out their check to WILPF and send it to WILPF UNO at 777 United Nations Plaza, 6th floor, New York, New York 10017. Or such donation can be wired directly to the UNO bank account. For bank transfer information or other questions regarding how to donate through the UNO office, please call 1-212-682-1265. Also please let us know if you have a preference regarding the use of your donation. 

To send donations to the Geneva office please go to our International website at www.wilpfinternational.org. Please indicate if you want your donation for sections or any specific area of our work. 
For donations to Peacewomen please go to www.peacewomen.org.

For donations to Reaching Critical Will, please go to www.reachingcriticalwill.org.

2. Fundraising Committee: 

The Standing Finance Committee is seeking members who are willing to be on the newly formed Fundraising Committee. Kirsti Kolthoff, President of the Swedish Section, was recommended by the SFC and appointed to this committee by the Executive Committee, and we are delighted to have this great start. However, we need more members on this committee. The responsibilities for this very important committee can be found at the bottom of this page.

Please let me or any other member of the Standing Finance Committee know if you are interested and willing to be on the Fundraising Committee.

3. Investment expertise needed


As WILPF International will now be handling their own investments, we are seeking WILPF members who have some expertise in this area to help establish an investment policy and to advise the Standing Finance Committee and the Executive Committee on the investment of any available funds. Please contact me or any other member of the Standing Finance Committee if you are interested in doing this.

4. Sister Sections 

Over the years some sections have partnered with other sections to assist them in the areas of section fee payments and to collaborate with them in numerous other ways. During the current financial crises in many sections of the world some sections are experiencing problems in their ability to pay their section fees and could use the support of other sections in other ways as well.

If any sections are interested in partnering with another section to support them or if there is any section which could use such support, please contact me at the below e-mail. 

If any sections are now partnered, please tell us about your partnership so that we may all learn from it.

In Peace and Sisterhood,

Nancy Ramsden, Treasurer
, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom


Skype: peacemaker121212


The International Fundraising Committee (IFC) works closely with the Standing Finance Committee to:

  • Ensure that a responsible plan is drawn up for securing resources to implement the plans and programs approved by Congress/ IB. Once this has been finalized, the SFC will make the necessary recommendations to the Executive Committee;

  • Ensure the development of, and recommend to the SFC, ethical and effective fundraising policies and procedures;
  • Work closely with fundraisers to ensure that fundraising plans and their implementation are coordinated effectively with the Sections, IB members/etc., where appropriate;

  • Interface and collaborate with any other associations or foundations that may be created in different Sections; Maintain 
ongoing communication with the SFC.

The composition, term of service, committee operation, decision-making, planning, and budgeting modes of the International Fundraising Committee are consistent with those applicable to all Standing Committees.