Hands Off Venezuela

No to US Intervention!

WILPF US and the WILPF US Cuba and Bolivarian Alliance Issues Committee calls on our members and supporters to contact your Congressional representatives and to organize support for actions happening nationwide to oppose the Trump administration's attempts to overthrow the democratically elected government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

President Maduro was elected last May, 2018 in the Venezuelan national elections, as called for by the Venezuelan constitution, by 67.84% of the vote with a total of 6,248,864 Venezuelans voting for Maduro. Since the 1999 election of the late President Hugo Chavez and the rise of the Chavismo movement, the US has directly intervened in Venezuelan affairs, violating international law and violating Venezuela's national sovereignty. One and a half years ago, Trump¹s plan for regime change was set into motion when the administration met with Venezuelan opposition members. On January 23, those plans were implemented when Juan Guaidó, head of the Venezuelan National Assembly, declared himself President of Venezuela at a rally, followed by an announcement of Trump's support for Guaidó as well as US Democratic Party leaders such as Speaker of the House Leader Nancy Pelosi. Immediately, other Presidents of Latin American countries followed suit which shows a well orchestrated effort to implement a coup to overthrow Maduro.

The countries of Bolivia, Uruguay, Mexico, China and Russia have declared their support for the democratically elected president of Venezuela. Also, the Venezuelan military has stood steadfast to protect Venezuelan democracy and announced their solid support for Maduro.

WILPF US calls on all to support the democratically elected president of Venezuela during these difficult times.

We urge a close look at the serious effects of the US role in the economic and political destabilization of Venezuela -- affecting not only the Venezuelan people but also regional respect for democratic processes. A coup in Venezuela will only serve to throw the country into further crisis.


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