What’s Up with the Inside & Out Initiative?

By Nikki Abeleda, ASW
Field Facilitator, Inside & Out Initiative

October 2021

There are three steps of the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) Framework: (1) Collect Stories, (2) Share your gifts, assets, and strengths, (3) Map the gifts, capacities and assets of individuals, and associations, also known as Asset Mapping (Nurture Development). WILPF San Diego, Sacramento, Des Moines, Boston, and Philadelphia have continuously utilized the ABCD approach through a step by step process and are currently on the third step of putting it all together in Asset Mapping.

Asset mapping refers to the process of creating a visual inventory of the skills, talents, and resources that exist within a branch. It is not just another list of resources; It is a strategy to identify assets that are available from within the branch, more importantly it’s a process for connecting and engaging the branch and to unlock the talents of people to help solve problems and build a better and stronger branch.

WILPF branches started the process of asset mapping, highlighting their strengths and discussing different social justice issues the branch would like to focus on. After, the cohort met on Sunday, September 26, 2021 for a social, “Putting it All Together: Asset Mapping.” In this session, members were able to reflect, review their knowledge of the ABCD framework, and get to know one another.

Inside and Out WILPF US Branch Updates:


After their first Asset Map meeting, the Sacramento branch highlighted the importance of working on anti-racism. Sacramento will reflect and discuss which organizations to partner and build solidarity with.

San Diego:

WILPF SD partnered with the Peace Resource Center of San Diego (PRCSD) and held a “Peace Meet & Greet.” This meeting sparked intentional and meaningful discussion on peace and starting a women’s feminist peace group, while allowing space to build community.

Des Moines:

With a strong emphasis and passion for environmental justice, WILPF Des Moines is focusing on clean water and food sovereignty. In fact, the Des Moines branch is involved with a private/public partnership at the UN, the Food Systems Summit. Along with these issues, Des Moines is interested in local issues such as the election. Lastly, the branch attended an action uplifting Afghan refugees on Friday, August 24, 2021.


The Boston branch is working on building solidarity with local peace community organizations to send letters to legislative figures regarding “banning the bomb” and stopping the aid of militarization and nuclear weapons.


WILPF Philadelphia recently had a branch meeting, in which they were able to reflect on their Congress presentation on “Breaking Out of White Supremacy.” They plan to have their Asset Map meeting during the first week of October to discuss their strengths and future goals.

The Field Facilitator supported and encouraged the branches to present at Congress. The Sacramento branch presented, “Growing a Peace Camp”; San Diego members Anne Barron presented “Turning Down Post-Trump Escalation” and Orly Benaroch Light facilitated an interview on “A Revolution of Compassion for Peace”; and Philadelphia presented, “Breaking Out of White Supremacy.”

The branches have been working outside of their comfort zone by challenging themselves. Through the process of ABCD, members have been working on themselves internally, which enables them to provide their strengths externally to the community and for their branch. Stay tuned for more Inside and Out updates!

Questions? Email Nikki Abeleda nfortuno.abeleda@gmail.com








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