
Thursday, August 1, 2024 - 05:33
Women, Money & Democracy Committee

From May 17-19th, the WILPF Women, Money & Democracy Committee, co-sponsored (with our ally The Alliance For Just Money, allies at Move To Amend, and our partner An Economy of Our Own), an event in Chicago that called for a total reform of the monetary system in the United States. Read on to learn WHY transforming the monetary system matters to the issues you care about, WHO represented WILPF in Chicago, and WHAT the action accomplished.  

Thursday, August 1, 2024 - 05:22

On Friday, May 17th at the Greek Isles Restaurant in Chicago’s South Side, WILPF Chicago leaders who had been meeting virtually for a year were finally able to come together in person for a pop up event that blended organizing and socializing!

Monday, May 6, 2024 - 08:32

The WILPF US 35th Triennial Congress will take place from Wednesday, May 29 to Sunday, June 2, where our virtual presenters will address the critical questions regarding the theme ‘Water on the Frontlines for peace — such as Who governs water? Who has it? Who doesn’t? Who controls it? How do we use it?

Monday, May 6, 2024 - 08:26

The number of ongoing conflicts can feel overwhelming, and we hope WILPF members will not respond by doing nothing! The general public needs to be reminded that wars can be ended swiftly by diplomatic compromises, and we can help do that. 

Monday, May 6, 2024 - 08:14

Why WILPF?  Why now? Hull-House pragmaticism can be a model, a go-to prescription, a handwriting on the wall, of our values, of life and death choices, for a freedom that is inclusive and member-driven. Read more to learn about our legacy of passion and possibilities from the women of Hull House experimenting with a new way of thinking…

Monday, May 6, 2024 - 07:48
  • Spring/Summer Issue of Peace & Freedom Now Available Online
  • ‘1,000 Grandmothers’ Song Festival: Women's Voices for Peace
Monday, May 6, 2024 - 07:19

During the 35th Triennial Congress, we will have a unique opportunity to gather and discuss the topics that are salient and important to WILPF members in their particular geographies. Water is uniquely local, but issues of water cross boundaries, regions and ecosystems. Read further to see how questions asked during registration will help guide discussions…

Monday, May 6, 2024 - 07:14

Could your branch benefit from a meeting with other branches in your state and/or the states surrounding you? Holding an in-person or online gathering of branches in your ‘region’ would be a great way to connect, share common concerns and recommendations to those concerns, as well as to hold discussions as a preliminary to future Triennial Congresses. 

Monday, May 6, 2024 - 07:06

These are exciting times for WILPF! Thanks to the generosity of Robin Lloyd, “platinum donor” and long-time loyal WILPF member, WILPF has a tremendous opportunity to gain more strategic leadership, increased momentum, and greater identity visibility. The Lloyd Family Legacy Campaign (LFLC), launched in Robin’s honor, will bring much-needed funds to help move our organization forward — just in time for our 110th anniversary. 

Monday, May 6, 2024 - 06:49

Rev. Rowan Fairgrove takes a look at poverty, which is considered the fourth leading cause of death in the US after heart disease, cancer and smoking. She examines the minimum wage and the need for accurate poverty measurements. 
