
Monday, December 9, 2013 - 08:26

Ensuring that women have better access to and control of natural resources such as land, water, forests and minerals can improve the chances of long-term peace and recovery in war-torn countries, according to a new report released by the United Nations on November 6. 

Monday, December 2, 2013 - 04:59

For nearly 100 years, you and our foremothers in the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom have created and nurtured a worldwide social movement for just and sustainable peace, working locally and globally to strengthen civil society and prevent war. Thank you for your work, and your contributions over the last year. We ask you to renew your generosity so that this work can continue into the future.

Thursday, November 7, 2013 - 16:43


There have been many exciting, new developments that the International Secretariat would like to share with you. For the first time ever, WILPF International Secretariat has created an Annual Report providing an overview of the major activities and events of our three programmes and our MENA Agenda 1325 Project. It features interviews with a diverse array of WILPF members and provides an overview of Sections’ work for the year.

Thursday, November 7, 2013 - 15:57

In November, as we approach the end of our 2013 campaign to abolish nuclear weapons by 2020, we close with a progress report. We believe we have built solid foundations for our continuing work on ridding our world of these most monstrous and immoral of weapons.

Thursday, November 7, 2013 - 14:44

In our earth, in our bodies and on our plates, the direction of agri-culture is a crucible for determining our ability to survive and thrive on our planet. During the 4th week of October 2013, WILPF Des Moines Branch led the call, with many other organizations joining in, for our chemical-laden agri-industrial complex to stop the poisoning our food system and end the use GMOs.

Thursday, November 7, 2013 - 14:23

WILPF International wants your feedback on the proposed manifesto for WILPF in the next 100 years!* The manifesto was compiled by Cynthia Cockburn and Cynthia’s letter introduces its content and proposed format and asks that you send along your suggestions for changes, additions or deletions.

Friday, October 4, 2013 - 07:12

The US Supreme Court is scheduled to hear Opening Arguments on Tuesday, Oct. 8th in the case of McCutcheon v the FEC. This case provides the next extension of the Citizens United case, allowing the pro-corporate Court the opportunity to rule in favor of Shaun McCutcheon, an Alabama billionaire who supports conservative candidates.

Thursday, October 3, 2013 - 17:17

As WILPF US members come together in various ways, we are looking to define a vision and structure for the future. Two current venues are the regional meetings and the Membership Development Committee conference calls. Another, working along with these processes, is the ongoing work of the National Board ad hoc Bylaws Committee.

Thursday, October 3, 2013 - 17:00

On September 26 US President Obama did not attend the United Nations summit on nuclear weapons disarmament as so many in the peace community have been urging him to do. The USA did launch an (unarmed) Minuteman III nuclear missile on that very same day despite our efforts to halt the test . But all in all it was a wonderful week at the United Nations as we moved closer to the nuclear weapons abolition which we seek. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - 08:06

In the very early hours of Thursday morning, September 26—the very day of the United Nations summit meeting on nuclear disarmament—the Pentagon is scheduled to launch a Minuteman III nuclear missile toward the Marshall Islands.
