
Thursday, May 25, 2023 - 07:42

Juneteenth is Monday, June 19: Attend an event and share info about WILPF US! If you don’t live in a state that recognizes it, consider an action, LTE campaign, or another public education method to call for your state to make Juneteenth a holiday. 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 08:12

Announcements & Updates: WILPF US lacks sufficient individuals volunteering in a number of crucial organizational roles – can you step up to help with defined and limited tasks, and/or recruit others who can?; Join actions on June 25 to remove Cuba from the US State Sponsors of Terrorism list; Boston WILPF thanks 99-year-old Marcella Garber Katz for her generous gift to continue her inspiring work for peace!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 07:34
International Summit for Peace in Ukraine

Save the dates! Three important peace events are happening in June and July: The International Summit for Peace in Ukraine on June 10-11, the 24-hour Peace Wave 2023 on July 8-9, and Global Women for Peace Against NATO on July 7-9.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 07:23

The US Farm Bill is being drafted right now. In its current form, it is “a consequential step backward for market access, fair competition, climate resilience, equity, and food security.” Learn more and take action for a better bill.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 07:15

There’s a new branch in WILPF US: the “Miami Mujeres”! It was started by high school sophomore Eva Egozi who discovered WILPF after she became increasingly interested in observing policy changes and violence in the world through a feminist lens. 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 07:12

“Peace begins at home” is the theme and motto of a new issue committee formed in the WILPF-US section for survivors of domestic abuse and all WILPF members who want to join with us in sisterhood and allyship. Two of our goals are to build networks and to advocate for legal reform.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 06:18

Marguerite Adelman’s one-hour Zoom presentation for the Jane Addams Branch on PFAS “forever chemicals” is now available on the WILPF US YouTube channel. Discover research tools to find out about PFAS in your own communities or request your own tailored presentation.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 06:13

Even after many actions to influence the international community to consider next steps on nuclear disarmament, the G7 statement was just a restatement of the status quo. We must double our efforts to get more co-sponsors for the Norton Bill and support the “Localities and Legislators” coalition.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 05:58
Golden Rule’s visit to Philadelphia.

The Greater Philadelphia Branch joined with several other groups to welcome and send off the Golden Rule sailing vessel. City Councilmember Mark Squilla presented a resolution marking the visit which included Philadelphia’s past support for nuclear abolition.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 05:55
Maine WILPFers picket in Portland.

The Maine Branch pickets collaboratively with other peace groups each Friday in Portland, and Maine WILPFers recently asked their legislators to support the Norton Bill (H.R. 2775) and H.Res.77 to make nuclear disarmament the centerpiece of US policy.
