Tucson WILPF’s Successful “Challah for Gaza” Event

Challah for Gaza

Tucson WILPF’s Successful “Challah for Gaza” Event

By Deborah Livingston
Chair, Tucson WILPF Branch

Tucson WILPF’s annual event, “Challah for Gaza,” was a great success! On Sunday, April 7, we served delicious French toast at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson to raise awareness and money for the Middle East Children’s Alliance.

Every year for 13 years we have raised funds for children and families in Gaza and Palestine. This year we were able to send more than $1,000 to MECA (the Middle East Children’s Alliance) for their MAIA Project. This important project installs water purification units in Gaza schools providing drinking water for schoolchildren and their families.

For more information about MECA go to https://Mecaforpeace.org

Contact debdivya@gmail.com to learn more about this longstanding event.


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