Remarkable Hibakusha Events in Vermont Move People to Action

Atomic bomb survivor Shigeko Sasamori responds to a question at a September 19 program at the University of Vermont sponsored by the Burlington Branch.

By Marguerite Adelman
Burlington VT Branch

Members of WILPF Burlington VT recently completed three days of amazing educational peace programming at six schools (four high schools and two universities), reaching over 3,000 students and teachers directly and many more indirectly (through radio/television programs, newspapers, social media, etc.).

Our local public access channel taped the program we held at the University of Vermont on September 19: Hibakusha Stories:  Testimonies of Atomic Bomb Survivors and Today's Nuclear Weapons. The recording is now available to anyone anywhere who would like to view it and use it. WILPF Burlington VT will also be making DVDs available to many schools and WILPF branches...once we know how much money remains in our grant funds.
This was truly a remarkable experience, giving WILPF a high profile in our state. High school and college students were in tears and lined up to hug our two Hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors), Shigeko Sasamori and Yasuaki Yamashita, both of whom exuded love, compassion, and reconciliation. Many attendees have been moved to action (one of our goals).

While viewing the tape may not be the same as being present for the testimony and discussion, the viewing experience is still very worthwhile. Here is the link.

Feel free to share this link far and wide!

Keep in mind that this project wasn’t just focused on 1945; we tied it in with a larger, long-term educational and action campaign to support the UN Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons.

Soon WILPF Burlington VT will be compiling its assessment report for this project, along with a package of information to help other WILPF branches bring Hibakusha Stories to their schools and communities. We’ll include press releases, grant proposals, and more. Why develop a program from scratch when you can get sample materials to edit and reformat? Look out for these resources to come soon!

For more information, contact Marguerite Adelman, WILPF Burlington VT, at 518-561-3939 or




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