
Monday, September 16, 2024 - 12:51

Our new Communications Access (yes!), Culture/the Arts, and Sensitization (CCS) group is starting a few exciting projects that you can join!

Monday, September 16, 2024 - 12:41
Regina Ross

On Nagasaki Day, members of the Atlanta chapter of WILPF US sent a WILPF petition to the US President and Vice President calling for support for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. They met at the newly installed Peace Bell on the grounds of the Jimmy Carter Presidential Museum and Library where Nuclear Watch South has organized the Observance for the last 30 years. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024 - 07:25

WILPF Board Experiments with a Virtual Retreat: Leaders from Program Issue Committees Join for Half-Day; News from WILPF International Board: Code of Conduct Drafted; Support Casa Maria Soup Kitchen

Thursday, August 1, 2024 - 07:13
Global Women United for Peace Against NATO

WILPF US was one of the organizers of the NATO Counter-Summit and Rally held in Washington DC in early July. Read more for links to the videos and texts of speeches from those 2 days —  including the link to the video where WILPF US DISARM co-chairs Dianne Blais and Cherrill Spencer spoke in a blistering 96⁰ F, and to learn more about WILPF activities in DC including lobbying on Capitol Hill.

Thursday, August 1, 2024 - 06:59
Earth Democracy Banner

Get links from the 35th Triennial Congress presentations, as well as an update on a bill banning PFAS in Vermont. Also, Earth Democracy’s Co-Chairs present three special projects for you to join.

Thursday, August 1, 2024 - 06:43

The Board is undertaking changes and improvements in WILPF functioning with a new procedure for resolving member complaints and disputes and a 3-day retreat to focus on fundamental topics of programs and organizational relationships. For the new Peace Seekers group, we want your thoughtful nominations of WILPF members skilled in sorting out conflicts.  

Thursday, August 1, 2024 - 06:14
Synthetic image created with Craiyon Image Generator

Jane Addams and her Hull-House colleagues used every means at their disposal to make Hull House visible and to give the Women’s Peace Party (which later became WILPF) a leading role in society, according to Rima Lunin Schultz, which included using the media. How could we learn from them and stop being ‘the invisible women’?

Thursday, August 1, 2024 - 05:58
Cherrill Spencer, Diane Blais, and Tina Shelton at No to NATO Rally

The Greater Philadelphia Area Branch continues to advocate for peace in the Middle East, anti-racism and the peaceful transformation of our world. Read here for a round-up of the branch’s recent activities, including how watermelon seeds were involved in a civil disobedience event.

Thursday, August 1, 2024 - 05:51
WILPF Fundraising

As WILPF enters our 110th anniversary year, the Development Committee is excited to build more financial support for our beloved organization and would love to hear from you. Here is a brief recap of what we do and how you can help!

Thursday, August 1, 2024 - 05:42
Gloria McMillan

The July Jane Addams Branch meeting is available to watch online. Follow the link to watch the talk about Jane Addams, the ‘Invisible Woman’, providing history the media doesn't share, and ideas for improving media attention in the present.
