New Triangle WILPF Member Speaks at Women’s March

Amanda Murray

Triangle, NC WILPF member Amanda Murray speaking at the Women’s March in Raleigh, NC.

By Lucy Lewis
Triangle (NC) Branch

North Carolina held our Women’s March on Saturday, January 26, 2019, in Raleigh. There was a large and very spirited turnout as thousands of people marched around the North Carolina legislative building to Halifax Mall.

A new young Triangle WILPF member, Amanda Murray, was one of the rally speakers. Amanda is a UNC-Chapel Hill student who is also a local organizer for Fight4Her, a campaign to fight back against attacks on women's reproductive rights.
The Raging Grannies sang, including three Triangle WILPF members, and at least five other branch members attended the rally. Watch Julia Wall's video of the march for The News & Observer.



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