May 7 Program Call Answers Questions about Election-Year Action!


Venezuelan urban gardeners in low income housing act for peace through local food production. Photo: Darien De Lu.

By Darien De Lu
WILPF US President

Join us on for a second open-to-all conference call of the national Program Committee. The focus for this call is action! It’s an opportunity for members and branches to ask questions about what actions to take on national program issues — and how. Our multiple program issues committees will be there to answer your questions!
How do we make WILPF an influential presence in election-year discussions? The issue committees — our national bodies that focus on and put together our political work — will have action items for members and branches to incorporate into their local WILPF work. Choose an issue you or your branch is working on or considering. Then ask a question of that issue committee or program leader, especially about what actions you can undertake on that issue.

Branches and individual WILPF members, what visible and effective actions are you putting together for the election-year period? Now is the time to plan! By preparing well in advance, branches can publicize action events and attract people, young and old, who yearn to do something!

The conference call will also briefly present the Ask the Candidates campaign. You can submit one or more Ask the Candidates questions — for all elected federal offices, including Representatives — to These candidate questions are a way to convey neglected information to the audiences at public election events — town halls, candidate fora, candidate speech events, etc. So be sure to include brief factual introductory and/or background information as part of your question!  

In addition, the call will include a short update on the latest actions to support the people of Venezuela, after the April 30 US-funded and supported coup attempt.

See below for the details on how to register and call in. Preregistration for the call is required (even 15 min. in advance). Then call in at 5 pm, Pacific Time/8 pm, Eastern Time on Tuesday, May 7.

Preregistration and Call-in Info

This call is on the first Tuesday, May 7, 2019, at 5 pm PST/8 pm EST.

You must register in advance for this Maestro call.

After registering, you will receive two email reminders, each with your call-in information. The first reminder will arrive just 24 hours before the call, and the second will be two hours before the call. Your individual pin number and a call-in number are included in these emails.


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