Letter from Ria Kulenovic, director of operations 2012-2014
Published on August, 18 2014It has been my pleasure to serve as the Director of Operations of WILPF US Section. What a journey it has been!
This organization has gone through many changes over the past century, but the fundamental principles have remained the same: commitment to peace, with racial, social, economic and environmental justice for all people everywhere. WILPF has had to be resilient and adaptable in order to survive 100 years, and thus it is necessary for the WILPF US Section to adapt to meaningful 21st -century activism. What would that look like?
Today we can achieve much more as women peace activists by working at the policy level and utilizing media, than through small uncoordinated protests where we merely preach to the choir — while both strategies are valuable in advancing social change. In addition to members’ activism, we need professional staff to fully achieve WILPF’s mission and goals.
As WILPF US faces a challenging year of transition into its next 100 years, it is more important than ever for the board, staff and members to have a unified vision for the future. Today, as you all stand at this crossroad, remember that data (gathered in our membership records and from branches) clearly show that the US Section must adapt to the different realities of its second century. WILPF US has an indispensable role to play in the coming decade and it is up to its members whether to let the organization thrive or allow its decline through outdated methods.
I am honored that you have put your trust in me for the past two and a half years. I will continue to support WILPF in every way possible.
I have shared a unique camaraderie with many of you, which I hope will continue in the years to come.
Thank you to everyone who has helped and supported me along the way!
I wish my successor the very best as she embarks in this new leadership role. I look forward to following all the future achievements, as WILPF’s mission remains deeply meaningful to me.
In sisterhood,
Ria Kulenovic