Keep Space for Peace Week
—Oct. 2-9, 2021

Art design by Brandon Marx & Nancy Randolph

By Bruce Gagnon and
Ellen Thomas, 
Co-chair, DISARM/ End Wars Issue Committee

If you have an event that you would like to share that relates to SPACE and PEACE enter your event details here.

A gold rush into space is now underway

There are tens of thousands of mini-satellites expected to be launched in coming years, mostly for 5G which will have military applications for greater surveillance and targeting.

We can expect growing deterioration of the Earth’s ozone layer due to toxic rocket exhaust. More spaceports (often in environmentally sensitive areas) are being constructed to handle the glut in launches. Astronomers are angry as they witness the dark night sky covered in satellite trails.

The privatization of space for profit puts the United Nations’ Moon and Outer Space Treaties in jeopardy. The Pentagon’s ‘Space Force’ is issuing statements about the U.S. determination to control the pathway ‘on and off’ the planet.

Now is the time for us to gather internationally and call for protection of the space environment from greed, pollution and war. Join us by organizing a local public event in your community during Keep Space for Peace Week.

Events at military bases, space tech production facilities, launch sites, outside government buildings and more. Please check out & share our many short space videos. See our video list here

Organize a local event

Be sure to let us know about any event you organize in your local community during space week. Enter your event details here

See the list of events entered so far here.

Global Network to Keep Space for Peace




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