Hiroshima-Nagasaki memorials

On the West Coast a gong will ring out to mark the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and lanterns will be launched in the sea, committing to a nuclear weapons-free future. What are your plans?

Santa Cruz CA Branch: Candles for a Nuclear-Free Future

The 11th annual Hiroshima-Nagasaki Remembrance Day memorial will take place August 8 from 7-9 pm at Lovers Point Cove, Pacific Grove.  Honoring those who suffered the atomic bombings in 1945, this ceremony reaffirms a commitment to a nuclear weapons-free world and to alternative, safer forms of energy so that such tragedies are not repeated.

The short program at 8 pm will be followed by the launching of the paper lanterns lit by candles on rafts pulled by kayaks into the cove at 8:15 pm.  Sponsored by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, the Peace Coalition of Monterey County, Monterey Peace and Justice Center, and the Monterey Peninsula Friends Meeting.   

For information, contact: Judy Karas.

Ashland OR Branch: ‘Arm-in-Arm: Time to Disarm’

With origami peace cranes fluttering in the background, a gong will break the morning quiet of Ashland’s Lithia Park on August 6 during the opening of the Rogue Valley’s 30th annual peace vigil. The gong will sound at 8:15 to mark the moment the atom bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, Japan.

Ashland WILPF Branch is taking the lead in sponsoring the 30th annual series of events, which conclude with “Art, Music & Words” August 8 in Ashland UU Church and reflection on Nagasaki August 9 at the Japanese Garden in Lithia Park.

The City of Ashland has been a Nuclear-Free Zone since 1981 and a member of Mayors for Peace since 1998.

Contact: Estelle Voeller or (541) 512­1013  

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