Get Us to 55: Spring Campaign Gets Boost from Matching Donation!

By Marybeth Gardam
Interim Chair of the WILPF US Development Committee

Our Spring Appeal is coming to your mailbox this month. Your GIFT in any amount will be MATCHED!

We’re proud that 51% of our members donate over and above their annual dues. Thank you! Your gift in any amount makes a huge difference to us.

Imagine how much more we could do to support your work if just four percent more of WILPF members donated, getting us to 55%.

This is the year, since whatever amount you donate to our Spring Appeal NOW will be matched by two generous anonymous major donors, up to $12,500.

The Backstory

This February we received word that a grant we’ve received for three years is ending. We have to replace that $25,000 just to keep up with our regular activities and expenses.

But in the face of so many threats to peace and justice, with the urgent demand to speak out and be heard, we must do SO much more to support the activism of our members and branches.

We depend on every member and donor to help us meet our fundraising goals. If 55% of our members (4% more than currently) donated above their annual dues, we’d be much closer to those goals.

The great majority of our annual budget goes to support your work, through communications, leadership, actions, materials and resources, and to directly support your activities.  

Won’t you consider donating over your dues amount for the first time this spring? Or consider slightly increasing your donation to help us secure those matching funds and replace our urgently needed funding?

Please respond to our Spring Appeal in your mailbox as soon as you receive it.

If you miss it, send a check to:
Box 13075
Des Moines IA  50310

To make your gift tax deductible, make your check out to PDF-WILPF.

If you are not using the printed envelope sent with the appeal, please mark your envelope “SPRING APPEAL.”
If you wish to donate online, please go to

If your membership renewal is due and you have not yet paid your dues this year, we’ll automatically apply $35 towards your 2019 dues.    

Thank you. Your donation fuels our activism!

Get us to 55!


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