Disarm-End Wars Upcoming Events and Petition Update

Martha Spiess reported that the Maine WILPF Branch participated in the #Rise for Jobs, Justice and Climate Rally organized by 350Maine in Portland on September 8, 2018. A Peace Hub portion of the rally gathered to reflect upon the largest carbon footprint: the military. Young people spoke, entreating the audience to vote for the Climate.

By Disarm-End Wars Committee

Upcoming Events Supported by Disarm/End Wars Committee:

Keep Space for Peace Week, October 6-13 everywhere!

Women's March on the Pentagon, Washington, DC, October 20-21, 2018

UN Disarmament Week in New York City, October 24-30
Veterans for Peace March on Washington, November 11, Washington, DC

School of the Americas Watch Border Encuentro, Nogales, AZ, November 16-18

First International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases November 16-18, 2018, Dublin, Ireland.
Leah Bolger writes, “The No U.S./NATO bases conference in Dublin will be very well represented by people from all over the world. You can find the program and a full list of the speakers here.”

Keep Collecting Petition Signatures!

Signatures on the WILPF-US petition supporting the UN Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons as of September 30, 2018:
3,932 paper petition signatures (which you can obtain from the top of http://prop1.org), and
2,406 online petition signatures (http://bit.ly/wilpfus-bantreatypetition)
6,338 total signatures (so far!)

Ellen Thomas, Co-Chair of the Disarm/End Wars Issue Committee writes:
Ignore any and all rumors that we have stopped collecting signatures! This petition is a wonderful way to give people hope and a means to share it, now that there’s actually a treaty.

Last but not least, keep sending us news and pictures from your local events and actions (thank you, Maine WILPF Branch).


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